Sebastian Vettel- Love at first sight.

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Alice's' P.O.V 

I walked down the pit lane at the German Grand Prix. I was here to meet one driver and one driver only. Sebastian Vettel. I had supported him for ages and he was my favourite driver. 

I watched all the free practices and qualifying from the grandstand. Then when we had the chance we all crowded into the pit lane hoping to catch a glance of our favourite drivers. The mass of people pushed me all over making me bump from person to person. I felt like a two pence in one of those arcade games. Then I was pushed into a chest that felt harder than the others. I looked up and saw the one and only Sebastian Vettel, his hands resting on my hips to keep me steady. 

"Sorry love I wasn't watching where I was going." He said his smooth German accent filling my ears. I thought to myself. How could one human be so prefect.

"It's okay." I said as I pushed myself backwards.

"How about I take you out for dinner after the race tomorrow as an apology." He said and I nodded smiling happily.

The next day rolled around quickly and I dressed that morning for my dinner date. The race passed and sevastian had a great result. First. I cheered along with the rest of the fans and spectators. I was so proud of him. I waited outside the circuit for him and when he came out we went for dinner. 

He took me to a beautiful restaurant. Roses and candles lined every table and it smelt amazing.

"Here you go love." He said pulling out my chair for me as we sat down at the table. I smiled and kissed his cheek in thanks as I sat on the chair.

"So tell me about yourself?" Seb asked me.

"I'm Alice I'm 22 and I'm from London. I love racing and have watched it my whole life. I have a degree in engineering but I've never made anything of it." I told him as I sipped my wine. Through dinner we either made small talk or sat in a comfortable silence. Finally dinner was over and sevastian took me back to the hotel. As we pulled up outside he stepped out the car with me. He walked around to my side and put his hands on the sides of my face. 

"I've had an amazing night tonight and I've enjoyed the company the most." He said as he leaned down closing the gap between us until we were kissing. The kiss was slow, soft and nodded passionate.

"I fell in love with you when I first saw you." He said 

"So did I." I replied before pulling him back in for another kiss 

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