Love at first sight part 3- Sebastian Vettel

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Alice and Seb have been dating for about a year and half now.

Seb's POV

I was so nervous. I had planned to propose to Alice tonight so I had invited all our families to come out for a dinner. I had told Alice we were going on a date and I smiled as I saw her walk into the restaurant.

"You'll be fine." My younger brother Fabian told me giving my shoulder a slight squeeze.

Alice's POV 

I walked into the restaurant pulling down my dress. I saw Seb stood in the room next to table with his younger brother and I smiled. My cousin rushed over to  me and pulled me into a hug, kissing my cheek before she lead me over to the table. I sat down and i chatted with Seb's family and my own before we ordered our meals. I could feel Seb's eyes on mine and I looked over at him and smiled. I loved him so much and I would love to spend the rest of my life with him.

We ate our meal and then had a dessert. I ate my ice cream slowly wanting to stay with our families as long as possible because I was enjoying tonight. 

"Hurry up and finish you ice cream." Seb said as he leaned across and stole a spoonful from my dish and I swatted his hand away with my spoon. He chuckled and soon I finished my ice cream.

The waiter took away our dishes and I smiled happily. Then he brought out a bottle of the finest champagne and glasses for all of us. I smiled as Seb popped the cork ducking as it came flying towards my face. I smiled happily as he poured and handed out the glasses. I smiled as we made a toast to us and to many more happy years to come. I smiled and as I got to the bottom of my glass i saw something floating in it sat neatly and snuggly in the bottom of the glass. I fished it out and looked curious over at Seb to see he wasn't sat at the table anymore but instead he was knelt next to me. He was down on one knee.

"Alice Y/M/N Y/L/N you have made me the happiest man alive for the past year. I don't regret the first time I saw you and I wish we have many more day like that. You have been my rock this past year when the season has been tough and when the cat has been bad. You have been there for me because you love me and without you this last year I wouldn't be where I am now. So will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Seb asked as he took the ring from my hand and held it on his own. I nodded a bright smile on my face. I didn't trust myself to speak as tears started to fall down my face.

Seb slipped the ring on my finger and our families clapped. I have never been so happy in my whole life.

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