Morning cuddles- Jolyon Palmer

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Y/N's POV 

I looked over at the sleeping figure of my boyfriend next to me. I smiled happily as I watched the way he smirked, the way his chest rose and fell every time he breathed. To me he was perfect and there was nothing in the world that could change that opinion. 

"You're staring." Jo said in his amazing morning voice that I loved. I smiled and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek before I made an attempt to get out of bed and make some breakfast.It seemed like that wasn't going to happen because there was an iron grip around my waist and I couldn't move. I felt his hot breath on my neck and my shoulder and a shiver ran down my spine and I smiled at him.

"You should let go because you'll want breakfast soon." I said trying to keep his arms from keeping me close. He just held me close and smiled. 

"Just lay in bed with me all day?" He asked pulling out his puppy dog eyes and with that I was like butter and I melted to whatever he wanted me to do. I smiled an he grabbed the TV remote of his bedside table where it somehow always ended up. Jo turned on the to and then put on a film we would both like before he wrapped both of his arms around me and sorted out his pillows. Then he finally held me close laying my head on his chest as he kissed my forehead and he smiled as he held me to his chest.

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