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Weeks passed by and me and Shawn grew closer as friends. Consider us, best friends. We would text 24/7 about our days, even if they were the same because we never left each other's side. Earlier today I was walking through the halls to the library. I was doing research on Rosie The Riveter and had to go old fashioned and use a book, since I forgot my phone at home and accidentally brought a pop tart.

As I was passing the music room, I heard a familiar voice singing. I turned my head and peeked through the little glass window, seeing Shawn up on the stage playing piano and singing. He was so good, like an angel who fell from heaven. His voice seemed to cool everyone down if they had a bad day.

Especially for me, Shawn would normally come over and comfort me with hugs, curling my hair, and singing. Singing was the one that really got to me, because it felt like old days. When I went to sleep, my brothers and dad always tried to sing to me, but they failed. It reminded me of all the moms that sang to their children at night, and how I wished for that to happen.

It was like Shawn was a mini version of my mom. It kind of creeped me out, but it was good to know I had him there. I listened, my head resting on the wall. Once he finished the last verse, everyone clapped. I didn't notice anyone else was here, I just focused on him. See, even his voice makes you loose contact with the entire world around you. Today was a lazy day, as I sat into the couch watching Riverdale. Yep, still watching it.

I was absolutely bored. Theo was out with his friends at the diner, Sam was at football practice, and my dad was at work. I slouched, now turning my attention to my nails. But as I lost focus, my eyes caught something else. The attic door. I remembered seeing a box labeled 'Veronica' on it. I haven't been able to go back there, since my brothers took the time to watch over me and my every move.

Ever since my friendship with Shawn grew, my brothers started getting over protective. I always went over to Shawn's house and he'd come to mine. No matter what, they'd never leave their sight off of us. The truth is, I kind of appreciate it. Don't get me wrong I HATE when my brothers do this, but I think it's for the best.

As I learn and hang out with Shawn more and more, my feelings for him change differently. Like, acting differently, from my heart. The more time I spent with Shawn, the more I felt attracted to him. I will admit, I think I like Shawn. I don't know if he likes me but, we both seem to like each other as friends on the outside. For me on the inside, I feel different.

I made my way for the attic, grabbing a flashlight. It was almost sunset, the shades glowing a bright orange and magenta mix. It had been a while since my dad was up here, which meant he was suspicious. Like I said, I haven't been here either in a while. I moved around, trying to search for the box. Dad must've known someone was up here, the boxes all shuffled around in different places.

I looked around, till I saw the box. I smiled, rushing over to it. The box had dust, which meant I had to be careful not to leave any fingerprints. I very delicately lift the top open, the lid still hanging on the side. Inside, were shirts, caps, art sets, and small objects. I picked up a small nesting doll. It was old, with dust falling off of it like snow. I put it back, scared that I would break it.

Inside was a small brown box. There were silver leaf designs connecting from the top and going separate ways on each side. I wanted to pick it up, but I was afraid the paintings behind it would tip over and create a mess. I found a wide painting, but the sketch was unfinished. In the sketch, were three familiar people. My dad, Theo, and Sam. But Theo and Sam were much younger, and attached to the board was a picture.

It was ripped, half the photo missing. But an arm was cut off as it sat on my dads shoulder. Where was the other half of this photo? Could it lead the answer to who my mom was? And why she left? All my thoughts were interrupted, by my phone. I jumped, nearly dropping the photo. I checked my phone.

My Canadian Muffin🍁🍮: Hey Shortie!😂
You: Shawn! Thank god, you haven't texted me so I thought you were busy.
My Canadian Myffin🍁🍮: Lol
You: Can you come over? I want to watch 'Thirteen Reasons Why' but also don't want to be scared.
My Canadian Muffin🍁🍮: Yeah, I'll be there with my shoulder for you to cry on princess😋
You: Oh my gosh🙈😂 see you later Mendes.

I smiled at the last text he sent me. I put everything away neatly and back in order and headed back downstairs. After making popcorn and setting out blankets, Shawn shortly arrived with gummy bears and muffins. I laughed and gave him our signature bear hug. He'd drop his things and I'd run and jump into his arms like I was attacking him.

He smelled of warm vanilla and crisp leaves. I always loved that smell, it reminded me of the camping trip we took, with of course my brothers and Aaliyah with us. We would sit by the fire and drink tea or hot chocolate. One time, my brother took all the blankets, including mine which left me cold on the couch. Shawn sat next to me, covering me and Aaliyah with the blanket. I always wished it would've been only me and him, cuddling up.

Dang it Colleen, get it together! Me and Shawn jumped to the couch and turned on the show. "Why this show? It kind of seems.. a little sad. Never mind, it IS SAD." Shawn said. I laugh and punched his arm. "Cause I've red the book and I just want to see how different it is from the book." "You remind me too much of Ian. What has he done to you?"

"Ew! Don't ever say that again!" Shawn scrunched his nose and squinted his eyes, leaning. We sat back, Shawn eating his muffin and me eating my gummies. We got to the part of the show that showed the suicide, and I lost it. As she cut her arm, I felt my stomach churn. I looked away, hearing as she screamed. Shawn put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"How different?" He asked. I looked back up at the tv, feeling my cheeks blush. The Mom and dad rushed through the room, scared for their daughter. The Mom tried to be strong, but cried as she yelled for her husband to call 911. My eyes burned, thinking about my mom. I never cried in front of Shawn, like I said, Shawn reminded me too much of my mom. And I wanted to be strong. I got up from his arms and walked to my bathroom.

As I shut the door, I held onto the sink, my mind just jumbling around. I had a headache, so I took some pills and opened the door. I bumped into Shawn, as he stood there with his arms on each side. "You okay?" He asked patting my back. I nodded. "I just got bilious from that part. Blood really isn't my thing." "I think we should just cancel the movie and go to bed." "No I'm f-" My words were interrupted as Shawn picked me up bridal style and took me to my room.

He felt my forehead, and walked downstairs. Shawn was taking care of me, like how a mom did. I felt my eyes sting again, as I hid under the covers. Shawn came back after a while, checking on me again. He sat beside me and covered me with another blanket. "I called your dad. He said he's on his way home." Shawn said. I nodded. Shawn got up, but I grabbed his hand.

"Can you. Stay with me?" This took him by surprise, as he sat back down. "Always." I moved aside, making room for him. He laid beside me as I put my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was fast, changing pace as I moved around. Just the sound of his heartbeat made me sleepy. Shortly after, I fell asleep, feeling safe in his arms.

As I opened my eyes, I realized it was the next day. It was Friday yesterday, so I was not missing school. My dad walked through the room. "Glad to see you're feeling better, thanks to Shawn. I owe him for taking care of you." He said smiling. I looked around, Shawn WAS gone. Gone home. My dad handed me a glass of orange juice, sitting beside me. "You know, there are sales going on at the mall. Maybe you can take Shawn with and go. I promise your brothers won't disturb you."

I laughed and handed him the empty glass. "Yeah, let me just rest. And I'll text him." My dad smiled and left.

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