A Good Team Chapter 11

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"Let's go home babe." I said holding Will's hand. "Alright come on Bells." He replied letting go of my hand and lifting me over his shoulder and we went back to the RV to pack and leave. When we got home we celebrated Will's win. "Babe, baby, little marshmallow, sweets, Bells, princess Bella." Will said using all his nicknames for me. "What prince William?" I replied. "Do you want to just lay here today?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I replied kissing him. "Good because I wasn't going to let you go." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Can I change first?" I asked. "Of course you can." He replied kissing me then letting me go and we got changed.

"What's going on why do you want to stay in bed all day?" I asked Will when we were back in bed cuddling. "I just want to have you in my arms today." He replied smiling at me. "I like that reason." I replied before kissing him. "I knew you would my little marshmallow." He said as we just stayed like that for the day, with Anna joining us on the bed. "Babe, let's go on a hike or a walk or something." I said the next morning. "Yeah sure, McDowell Nature Preserve good?" Will asked. "Yeah, it's perfect." I replied as we got ready for the day. "Is Anna coming with us?" Will then asked as I was packing a backpack for us.

"Yeah sure why not." I replied finishing up. "I'll take the backpack." Will said as he gave me Anna's leash after hooking it to her collar. "We make a good team." I said kissing him. "That we do, must be part of the reason we got married." He said poking my side and smiling then we were off. "What did you pack?" He asked on our drive. "Snack bars, water bottles, a little dish for Anna." I replied. "Sunblock?" He asked. "Of course can't let you be as red as a tomato racing a car." I replied. "You really are the best Bells, the best for me." He told me. "And you're the best for me Willy." I replied. After our walk we went back home and made dinner together. "Where to this weekend?" I asked when we were eating. "Back to Daytona." He replied hugging me. "Can we walk on the beach when we are there?" I asked him looking at him. "Of course." He replied.

That Wednesday we flew to Daytona so we had a day to ourselves. "Let's go lay in the sand at the beach." Will said when we got in the hotel and everything was settled. "Yeah just let me change." I said going into the bathroom when he came out

*Will's P.O.V.*

I suggested that Bella and I go to the beach so she was getting changed while I waited for her. "How do I look?" She asked after coming out of the bathroom. "I'd suggest we just stay in bed, but I know you really want to go to the beach." I said pulling her close to me and kissing her. "Although I do like your suggestion, I do want to go to the beach now are you ready?" She asked after a while of us staring at each other. "Yeah, I packed a bag for us everything we need, towels drinks snacks sunscreen the likes." I replied grabbing the bag and we were off. "You pick the spot." I said to Bella when we finally got to the beach so she found the perfect place for us. "You can do whatever, I'm going to get a bit of sun." Bella said after we applied sunscreen. "Alright I'm going for a swim." I replied before going off towards the water.

*Bella's P.O.V.*

After a while of laying in the sun at the beach I felt someone lift me up and put me over their shoulder. I threw my sunglasses on my towel and waited to be thrown into the water which happened a few minutes later since this always happens with Will at the beach. "William." I yelled when I surfaced. "Sorry Bella." He replied laughing and wrapped his arms around me in the water. "You better be Mister." I replied. "Now if you don't mind I was laying in the sun." I said. "No, just stay in the water with me." He said wrapping his arms a bit tighter so I couldn't move but he wasn't hurting me. "Fine." I replied relaxing into him I stopped kicking the water trusting him to keep us floating.

"Isn't this nice?" He asked after a while. "Yeah it's really nice." I replied. "Do you want to walk down the beach?" He asked. "Yeah and watch the sunset." I replied so we went back on the beach got dried off and changed then went for a walk down the beach hand in hand. "This is so nice." I said as we stood on the beach watching the sun set after walking a little while. "You're so beautiful." He said before I heard his phone take a picture. "What was that?" I asked knowing exactly what he did. "Took a picture." He said. "Of what?" I asked. "You'll see." He replied. I shook my head then we decided to leave. When we got back to the hotel Will posted on Instagram a picture of us at the beach during the sunset with the caption "it was nice at the beach, got to throw her into the water like always and we relaxed and had some fun."

"Awe Willy." I said hugging him. "I always love going anywhere with you." He said kissing me. "Go shower get the sand off of you then we can cuddle in bed." I said. "Let's save water." He said pulling me towards him. "Sure." I replied kissing him then we got ready for bed. When we finally crawled into bed that night I was tired so I put my head on Will's chest and fell asleep pretty fast.

"Will where are you?" I asked waking up. "Getting ready, the RV should be here soon." He replied. "Oh ok." I replied sitting up. He came back and sat on the bed beside me and I hugged him. "Let's go get a win this weekend." I said kissing him cheek. "Yeah that's would be amazing." He replied. "And two in a row just like last year." I said. "Oh yeah that's right I would get two in a row if I won this weekend." He replied. "Yeah sweets, you nut." I said kissing him. "You should get ready then we can go to the track and find our RV." Will said so I got ready and we went to the track.

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