Second Trimester Chapter 28

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"Will, I'm officially in the second trimester." I told him when he walked into the room. "Really already?" He asked walking to my side Alice my not so dead twin was sitting in the chair beside me. "I know that's what I was thinking, it seems like just yesterday we were finding out I'm pregnant." I replied smiling at him. "Do you want to sit?" Alice asked Will. "No, I'm fine you sit." He replied. "Come sit here." I piped in patting the bed next to me. "I'm good Bells." He replied. "You've been on your feet all day." I said taking his hand. "You're right." He said before sitting on the bed beside me. "I have to go." Alice said before hugging me saying bye to Will then leaving. Alice and Will haven't gotten along since they first met, Alice not liking Will although I can't see why she doesn't like him, everyone else does.

"Why doesn't she like me?" Will asked looking at me. "I don't know, I'll ask her next time I see her but for now let's go for a walk." I replied. "Yeah let's go." Will replied helping me up and walking the halls with me. "So do our chances lower of a miscarriage?" He asked as we walked down the hall. "Yeah a bit." I replied. "Well that's good, are you feeling a bit better?" He asked. "I'm feeling a lot better one step closer to meeting this bundle of joy, nervousness, and love." I replied. "Yeah, everything will be ok, I'll be here." He told me then kissed the side of my head. When we got back to the room Will left to do some appearances for his sponsors and Alice came in. "Why don't you like my husband?" I asked her.

"I just don't, he got you and I got a deadbeat dad for my twins." She replied. "You have twins?" I asked. "Yeah they're three." She replied. "Will you bring them here next time and please get along with my husband work it out he's family." I told her. "Yeah I don't want to." She replied. "For what?" I asked. "I'm not liking your husband." She replied. "Alice he's your brother in law." I told her. "Don't care." She replied before leaving and confusing me. Will walked in that evening. "She is not like me at all, she's the opposite are my parents sure she's my twin?" I asked as he sat on the bed beside me. "I think they are sure she's your twin why what happened?" He asked putting his head on mine.

"She has twins, she hates you." I replied. "Oh wait she has twins?" He asked. "Yes some times one twin has twins and the other ones doesn't." I told him. "Oh that makes sense, but hey don't worry, she'll come around just don't push her." He told me. "Thanks Willy B." I told him. "Not a problem little marshmallow." He said before Alice walked in with who I think are her twin daughters because they looked like her. "This is Catherine and Daelyn." She told us. "Cat, Dae this is your aunt Bella and uncle Will." Alice said. "Hi Catherine hi Daelyn." I said as they looked at us. "Why are you in here?" Catherine asked. "Because I'm pregnant and I shouldn't be so we are being careful and keeping me in here." I told them. "Will baby and auntie be ok?" Daelyn asked. "Of course we will." I replied. "Can we sit on the bed too?" Catherine asked. "Yeah you can just like uncle Will." I replied so Alice helped them up.

"Can you leave?" Cat asked me. "I can leave the room but not the hospital because if I got hurt I might lose the baby." I told them. "Oh no lose baby." Dae said. "No we don't want that then when the baby is old enough the baby can play with you." I told them. "Another friend?" Cat said. "Of course another friend, nothing is stronger than family." Alice told them. "I'm sorry for getting off on the wrong foot with you." Alice then told Will. "We're family we don't remember meeting." He shrugged. "What?" She asked and I handed her a picture of the three of us as babies. "All of us?" She asked. "Our moms are best friends." I told her. "Oh, and you two ended up with each other." She said.

"Yeah married with a baby on the way at nineteen." I replied. "Well hey family get togethers will be fun." Alice said smiling. "Yeah they will." I agreed. Alice let Will take the girls to get something to eat while we talked. "What changed your mind?" I asked her. "Family is stronger together, you and Will are family and when I first learned about you when I had the girls, I was angry that you got your life with mom and Will, and I got what I got." She replied. "Alice, I'm so sorry this happened." I told her before motioning her to come hug me and she did. When Will came back Alice took her girls back to where she was staying and Will came to cuddle with me. "She came around fast." He said. "We're twins, I accepted her baby twins right away I guess that helped change her mind, and we are all family family bonds are strong." I replied taking his hand. "That's true." He replied intertwining our fingers.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed." I said after a little while of us laying beside each other. "Goodnight little marshmallow." He replied. "Goodnight Willy B." I said before kissing his check then falling asleep. I woke up the next morning and Will was gone but the breakfast they brought in to me told me that he hasn't been gone that long. "Will's a great guy." The nurse said setting up my tray. "Yeah, he's amazing has been ever since I can remember." I replied. "Is that why you keep him around?" She asked noticing my ring. "Yeah, he keeps me sane and happy." I told her as Will walked in. "Willy B." I said smiling. "You're awake." He replied sitting beside me. "I am awake." I replied smiling at him.

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