Championship race Chapter 34

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"Tyler qualified just in front of Cole." I said to Emerson. We were currently watching qualifying from Cole's RV while baby Jax slept. "Next year when Bennett's here we will be in here watching Cole race with Bennett and Jax sleeping then Cole'll go home and I'll go to a hotel with baby Jax and we can watch your man race the day after." Emers said. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, we can make sure Cole doesn't watch with us for girl time." I replied. "Of course." She said as Jax started to cry. "Just let me change Jax then we can go see our guys." Emerson said as she walked Jax to his room and I moved the bassinet into her room. "Thank you for that Bella you didn't have to." Emers said walking back into the living area and noticing the bassinet was moved.

"You would have to move it tonight anyways, I moved it into your room maybe that's not a good idea when he wins tonight." I said. "Nah, we're not going to do anything the first time we ended up with Jax, do you want to carry Jax?" She asked me. "Sure I would." I replied then she handed me Jax then we left as she grabbed the carrier and we left to go meet the boys. "One order of a cute baby to his daddy." I said when we found Cole. "Hey Bella." Cole said. "Hi sweetheart, oh little guy." He then said taking Jax from me and Emerson walked up beside me. "Do you like his outfit?" I asked. "Daddy's my champion." Cole read. "Your man is finishing up stuff for championship four." Cole then said looking towards his car. "Thank you Cole, go get them, I know you can do it." I told him side hugging him because of baby Jax.

"I can't wait until Bennett gets here." I said placing a hand on my stomach. "Jax will have a best friend." Cole said smiling at me. "He will." I replied before going to find Will who was finishing up stuff. "Hey going to be champ." I said when he was done. "We don't know that." He said wrapping his arms around me. "I know that." I told him kissing him. "What do I get if I do become champ?" He asked. "A movie marathon of your favourite movies and ten kisses." I told him. "Deal." He replied kissing the end of my nose. "Do we have time to to have a nap?" I asked him. "Go eat then have a short nap." He replied as we walked to his hauler. "What's for lunch?" Will asked walking in and seeing food.

We got a plate and went to the couch to eat, when I was done I got another plate and ate it all and a third plate. When I got up to get my fourth plate I was surprised he didn't stop me remembering the Canada race last year. "You're eating for two." He said when I sat back down. "Remember the one time last year in Canada where I had three servings of food before you stopped me?" I asked him. "Yeah, you were so sad that was the worst news and not just for you, I hated seeing you so sad and I couldn't do anything." He replied. "It was sad news, you made me feel a little better, you're my best friend." I said resting my head on him when I was done eating. "I miss him." I said. "Me too, he was one of my favourites of your family members." He replied kissing the top of my head.

We went to drivers meeting, well he walked I wobbled along with him. "I can't wait to do this with Bennett in our arms." He said. "Me too, then I wouldn't wobble all over the place, the next couple of months I will noticeably wobble." I replied as he helped me sit in a chair. "This is going to be our spot I'm guessing." I said. "Yeah, where are you and Emerson going to sit?" Will asked. "She's bringing Jax to our pit box." I replied. "My pit box, fun you two better behave I have a championship to win." He told me jokingly. "We will, I mean there will be a one month old baby." I said as Emerson Jax and Cole came walking towards us. "Be thankful that baby didn't make you gain a whole lot of weight." I told Emerson.

"I am and watching you struggle I couldn't imagine being in your shoes." She said setting Jax down beside me so I took him out of his carrier. "I love his headphones." I said looking at the cartoons all over them. "Emerson thinks that since she has a baby she can watch cartoons even when he's not in the room and I think it's cute." Cole said. "So one of your favourite children's cartoons?" I asked her. "Of course." She replied. After the drivers meeting I went with Dave Emerson and Hannah to Will's pit box then Emerson went to Cole's with Jax, the boys didn't qualify that far apart, Cole in second and Will in sixth so just one row away. "Hey there 200 laps to being champ." I said hugging Will. "Hey there pretty." He replied holding me close until pre race stuff.

When that ended I turned to Will and hugged him. "Do good." I said like always. "I always will." He replied smiling. "I'm going to miss saying that until Daytona." I said hugging him a little tighter. "Me too." He replied kissing the top of my head then I met Emerson at the ladder to the pit box. We got up and the command for drivers to start their engines was given and pit road started to roar. "Don't get any ideas Bennett." I told him and as soon as I put my hand on my stomach he kicked. "Emerson." I said smiling. "What?" She asked looking at me kind of concerned. "He just kicked." I whispered. "Awe." She said before I noticed her face change to a sad look and she looked at Jax.

"You never felt him." I said moving closer to her then hugging her. "It's ok." She whispered. "It's not to you." I replied. "It's fine, I'll have other children with Cole for everything, Jax is my miracle child." She told me. "Awe Emers, we need to celebrate him." I said smiling at her. "We do." She replied also smiling. "Hey Dave I need you to tell Will something before the pace car comes down pit road." I said. "Alright what?" He asked. "Bennett kicked." I told him smiling. "Oh my gosh." Dave said. "Hey Will before we start this race, your baby kicked for the first time." He told his driver. "Will says woohoo." He told me. "I can't wait for Will to feel him kick." I said smiling.

"Cole's dominating this." I said after he won the first stage. "Your man and the 1 are battling for the win. "They are, I hope he wins it, I can't wait." I said. "What do you two do when he wins since you don't want to hurt the baby?" Emerson asked. "We cuddle, watch movies, drink tea, eat." I told her. "Like an old married couple." She said. "A happy old married couple." I replied. "Stage two goes to Cole and the teammates are still fighting for position." Dave told us. "Look at Cole go." I said. "I think movies and food and cuddles will be perfect when he wins." Emerson said. "I love it, even if we can't celebrate wins like we did last year." I told her. "I'm going to try it tonight because of Jax." She told me.

"Yeah you should." I replied. "Your guys did it." Dave said at the end of the race. "Our boys won." I said hugging her tightly. "Will won the champion and Cole won the race." Emerson said smiling. "Oh my gosh." I said as Bennett kicked. "He knows." Emerson saod as she put Jax in his carrier then they went to their stage while I went to find Will. "You did it." I said smiling at him. "I had to make this trip worth your while." He replied smiling as I took his hand and placed it in Bennett's favourite spot to kick. "Daddy won bud." I told him then he kicked. "My son, we can finally feel him move." He said hugging and kissing me. "Our son is still not racing." I told him as someone came to interview him.

"You must be beyond proud of William, married for a year and he got his first championship." The interviewer said. "I am, after what happened last year I'm so proud that we got a championship in the Xfinity series, names are made here and he made his name, now he's moving onto Hendricks and we have a baby on the way who's going to be into racing as he started kicking today before the race started." I said. "Congratulations on everything you two." He said before signing off. "I don't want you to celebrate too much babe." Will said kissing me. "We'll try not to." I replied pushing him towards his team then drinks started to spray. I stood back and watched everything unfold before me soaking it all up before sneaking off to where Cole was.

"Congratulations." I said hugging Cole. "Bella, I heard what Bennett was doing congratulations and on Will's championship." He said hugging me. "Congratulations on your win, dominated all three stages." I said as Emerson and Jax came up to us. "We will see you when we get home right?" She asked. "Of course, should I say you say congratulations to Will?" I asked them. "Please." They replied. "I will." I replied before going back to Will. "Hey little marshmallow, did you go see Cole and his little family?" He asked when I wrapped my arms around him. "Yeah, my best friend and her baby daddy in victory lane in one place and my baby daddy and husband in a different place." I replied Will then took my hand and we went to take pictures.

"Come on." I said to Will when he was done with everything and talking to Dave. When we got to the RV Will got all of his favourite movies and I made snacks and tea then went to go cuddle with him on the bed. "Kissing time." I said giving him ten kisses before the the first movie changed to the second movie. "I love your kisses, Bennett's going to love mommy kisses." Will said. "I love your kisses." I replied smiling at him. I changed the movie and got back in bed. "Your favourite movies look like my favourite movies." I said in the middle of movie two. "Husbands and wife's think alike." He replied kissing the side of my head. I fell asleep after the third movie cuddled with my champion.

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