New Team 10 Member?? (Chapter 2)

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Btw I love Alissa and Erika so no hate please
Jakes POV:
After Alissa left I replaced her with another team ten member. Her name is Erika, from what I saw on her Instagram she is beautiful. I'm picking her up from the airport now I'm super excited!!
Erikas POV:
On the plane all I could think about was Jake. I've been watching his videos for a while and he was so cute and really funny. When I got off the plane I got my stuff and walked outside to find Jake.
Jakes POV:
I saw her walking out from the airport and she looked stunning I just stared at her. She saw me and smiled.
"Hey Jake!"
"Hey Erika! Let me help you with your bags"
Later at the team 10 house...
Erikas POV:
Jake showed me my room and gave me a tour of the house. I introduced myself to everyone at the house. They were all so nice especially Tessa and Jake. I unpacked my stuff and then took a shower
Tessa's POV:
I met the newest team ten member, Erika. She was so kind and really funny. She was nothing like Alissa. It was nice to have another girl in the house that was so nice to me. She complimented me instead of saying things like "How do you look better than me" like Alissa did.
The next morning...
Tessa- Hey Erika! Wanna go to the gym and then get something to eat with me?
Erika- Sure! Give me like 5 minutes to get ready.
Erika's POV:
I got ready then walked to the gym with Tessa.
Chance's POV:
Erika was so pretty. I had to stay in my room almost all day so she didn't catch me just staring at her. I didn't want to embarrass myself. I decided I was going to tell her that I liked her. But first I needed some help on how I should tell her so I decided to go ask Jake.
Sorry this is another short chapter I will try to make the next one a bit longer. I hope you like the story so far!!

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