deep breaths...

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I have been living alone for almost a year after my parents passed away.

My dog had always been with me, a big, fluffy golden retriever.

I loved him whole heartedly as he was the only one I had.

He would come and sleep with me on my bed, and snore peacefully every night.

Then something weird happened, which had never happened before.

One night I woke up with a start when I hear Cheeto barking at... At nothing at the corner of my room. His bark sounded weird, as if he were scared of something. He had his tail in between his legs and his back protectively moved up and down with each breath.

I quickly turn on my lamp shade and Cheeto hurls toward me, jumping on the bed and licks my face. I thought maybe he was hungry or wanted to go out as he kept growling. So I gave him some food which he refused to eat, which was very unlike him, so I send him out for a while, and to give him some privacy I turn around and head back into my room, the main door still open.

As I walk up to my bed I hear my door slam close as all the lights went out. I try to switch on the lights, but in vain. Cheeto barking outside.

That's when I realise I was not alone in my room as I could hear heavy breaths coming from right behind me.

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