Chapter 2

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They don't plan on stopping anytime soon do they, because my stomach's  food supply is almost depleted. That, and the agony my bones are in right now. I am beginning to have a new respect for cargo goods. How do they even survive the travels. Shoved, pushed, ruff landing, name it. I know my body is sporting multiple bruises by now with the amount of pain I am in. My poor body. Well I hope those kidnappers are having their fair share. I mean... it's alright for me to think that. I don't see why I should be going through all the pain alone.


Arrggghh!! Enough with this already! I was peacefully asleep before th... wait... I hear waves... and smell salt... salt and waves..? Oh no! The sea... the sea! This is not good... this is anything but good. Now am done for. If the cargos are being shipped rather than airport bound like I had imagined, then there is no escaping.

Oh my Allah!

The miserable fate that awaits the end of this expenditure stares right at me in ugly colours... what.... no no no!! Ok calm down... don't panic.

Think positive and pray for everything to turn in my favour. Getting this far without a scratch... well, maybe bruises but point is, everything is going not as planned but not too bad either.

My situation is not hopeless until it is.. on second thought, why didn't it cross my mind that the possible route for a line of kidnapping business would be by sea?

Using sirlines could be a risk, a hassle without proper connection. And even with that, there are always the possibilities of nosy security guards therefore the risk of discovery was high. The sea on the other hand,  would be a much more friendly option of course. 

This may not be a ridiculous moment to thank my young self for being a bookwarm?

These people are truely devious and conniving monsters who have indeed sold their eternal souls to the devil. Huh! eternal darmnation just for a life of luxury. Tsk tsk tsk. I will not even waste my pity on them. May they die miserably and burn in hell for all their sins!


What was that! I hear shouting... and wait... that sounded like a bomb. The sound that woke me was definitely a gunshots are being fired. It's almost as if the ship am sailing on was gagged in battle. What is happening out there?



"Sir, some of the crates fell off-board we have to get them back!" "No. Just secure the rest and make full sail. Men will be... "

That was all I heared before realisation set in. Am indeed floating in the crate. That was me screaming and for a moment I thought I had messed up big time but then with all the commotion going on, I doubt they heard me. Now I definitely feel like Hercules and his mother when his grandfather had them locked in a coffin and thrown in sea to...

Ok not a good time for imaginations!

Is that water I feel on my side? Oh my Allah! That hit must have cracked the crate and it must be leaking! Ok no panic... no panic...I am panicking... I am panicking!! 

Not so ironic now no?

Seriously! Not now. How do I get out.. "Help! Help! Anybody help! Please help me!! "

Why not bang the crate just for effects?

Are you serious right now? if I die, you die too remember, so shush it. I would not be in this situation right now if you hadn't given me the idea of running away!

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