Chapter 5

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Have you ever had that feeling of helplessness that comes with the realization your fate is entwined to something you loathed?

That's how I felt at this very moment as I am forced to be in this room to await that monster who could come in at any time to...

Wiping tears from dampened cheeks I didn't need a mirror to know my heavy eyes were puffed already still unable to seize hiccuping for the umpteenth time.

Rorick would be back soon but even if he arrives here tomorrow he would still be too late, that monster would have done his worst.

After all these months of waiting for the man that I love to come back and make me his finally, only to be snatched by his own blood and forced to marry him at gunpoint.

I am not a coward and would have willingly let him shoot me but that gun had been pointed at my dad, Sim. How he knew to do this still beats my imaginings.


I am married and not to Rorick.

I burst into fits of cries. Even to my own ears I sounded pitiful but I couldn't help it.

"Open the door lass"

"No Flavia go away. You should have stopped him but you didn't. You let him tear my heart from me".

Later my words would guilt me, it was wrong of me to bark at the wrong tree but at as my moment of despair I saw no wrong, no right.

"I don't want anything just leave me alone!".

"Ye canna starve dear. Ye must eat something". She persisted

I have not eaten anything since the day before when he came to drag me from my home but that thought only made me nauseous.

"I don't want-"

"Rorick sent words, he shall be home soon. Don't you want to be strong for his return?"

Yes I want Rorick. The thought of him getting angry at my unappealing state was not what I wanted.

I would be strong for him.

Shock held me in place rather than trigger my survival instinct which would have been to shut the door immediately the one who was behind Nonna came to focus.

She betrayed me deceived me with the one thing I loved dearly. Never should have let my guard down with anyone.

Too late to look guilty and hoped my face read that out to her clear and loud when she tried to play victim to me with that helpless look.

Stepping back a few strides as he let himself in I gave her the meanest look I could muster till the closed door bared her from my sight.

Stillness. A pregnant one.

His gaze burnt me but I was too disgusted to look up.

"We are married".

What reply did he expect, a jump and howl of joy?

Stepping aside when he tried to touch me a flinched recognition.

Is that it?...

He wants me to behave as a wife.

"Don't touch me" I screamed his presence drawing closer.

Though inevitable, the attempt of sidestepping quickly towards the door was equally quickly halted, with me in his arms he assaulting my lips, my face becoming damp again fast.

Never since escaping and meeting Rorick, the image of anyone but him having this access to me... he will not only dishonor me in this way only but more, I knew as he forcefully lowered me on the bed.

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