Chapter 6

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"Ye should wake lass, time for yer medicine"

"Sir Sin?"

"Indeed lass"

Oh my merciful Allah be praised! It was just a nightmare!

Thank Allah!

"Ooff" grumbled Sin as I engolfed him in an unprepared tight embrace.


Still in awe-gratitude I remained glued to him for sometime.

"Is everything alright?" Looking concerned he felt my forehead.

Perhaps he concluded that I was not fevered from my lack thereof of temperature but that did not stop him from closely observing me after I pulled away.

Learning on my pillows a smile graced my face as I took his hands in mine. Words danced in volumes in my head but completely evaded my lips.

Giving me encouraging looks as I opened and closed my lips with the stupid smile still on my face finally lead me to an understanding.

"I had a nightmare Sir". I shivered. It was worse than that. More like a.. a.. what is worse than a nightmare?

"Am just so glad that it was not real". I reiterated hugging him to me again.

"I do not know if I..." would not even want to go there.

"It's alright lass. Was only a bad dream". If you only knew Sin. If you only knew.

Looking at me after pulling back he held my cheeks loving. Like my father did sometimes.

I miss him.

"It is common to have feverish dreams when recovering from an ailment".

Breathing deeply I nodded in acceptance to my savior in more ways than once, gratefull for his reassurance.

"Now bath and come eat before your ministration for today".

"Yes". Nodding to him, he left.

I am glad but still surprised he spoke this lengthy with me. It's been a week since Rorick brought me back, his words though few in-between were lengthier than afore.

Oh my Allah!


They'll make an indigin of me yet. Laughing heartily at this, I laid on my bed.

I had a peaceful rest that is until I was aroused from sleep by the staltaco noise.

At first my thoughts went to Sin, it is not an unusual sound with some of his poltice preparation. But this idea was forgone when the sound echoes through the house with such force my now awakened brain registered as knocks.

Someone is at the door!

Knock, knock then bang! bang! bang!!

"Am coming! am coming!!.

Nothing prepared me for the sight beyond the door but I was swept off the ground before anything could make sense.

"Rorick your're back!"

"Yes lass. For ye".

My heart sang with his admittance.

Tender loving touches asults my cheeks and progressed westwards as a not so genteel attention was meted to my lips evoking pleasurable sighs and other mews from me.

His smell, his feel, his mouth on mine and his body touching mine is driving me to the height of delirium and even though I'm as high as I possibly could be on the intoxicant named Rorick, like an addict I yearned for more, I craved it.

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