Smile Pretty Cure Challenges!

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1: Cure Happy(Monday)
1: You have to be nice to everybody
2: You have to stay happy all the time
3: You have to say "Ultra Happy" every hour
4: If you have the chance to, try to make friends
5: Wear pink, nothing else but pink, yellow and white(Or just bright colors)

2: Cure Sunny(Tuesday)
1: (If you have younger sibling(s)) you have to tease your younger sibling(s)
2: You have to cook your own meals
3: Be active all the time
4: Wear nothing but red, yellow, orange and white clothes
5: You have to be cocky about everything
6: You have to be a dare devil

3: Cure Peace(Wednesday)
1: Your shy, try not to be too social
2: Draw all the time
3: Only wear yellow and white(if you don't have yellow then where light orange)
4: Be kind to everybody
5: Always throw up the peace sign

4: Cure March(Thursday)
1: Be nice to your younger siblings, if they ask you to play, play with them! You can't say no.
2: Have your hair in a ponytail the hole day
3: Only wear green, red and black
4: If somebody needs help, you HAVE to help them
5: Be kind and nice to everybody you see
6: If somebody is being bullied or hurt, you immediately have to help them

5: Cure Beauty(Friday)
1: You have to be as proper as possible
2: Only wear blue and white
3: Be kind to EVERYBODY
4: Read the hole entire day
5: Study A LOT
6: Don't. Eat. Meat(If you don't have any other choice then it's fine to eat meat but only once)

Good luck~
If you fail, the next time you go to the store, start singing the smile precure and glitter force theme song

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