Smile Precure Challenges #2

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This time, these are from ze bad end generals

1: Wolfrun(Saturday)
1: Be mean to everybody
2: Growl as much as possible(FML)
3: Howl every each hour
4: Wear only blue, black, gray and white
5: Only eat meat
6: Only consider yourself as the big bad

2: Majorina(Sunday)
1: Be grumpy
2: Sound like an old lady for half of the Day
3: Only wear green, white and black(red too)
4: You're always losing your things, you have to put your stuff in random places and try to forget where you had put it
5: Majorina Time! Look as grown up as possible

3: Akaoni(Monday)
1: Only wear red and black
2: Be grumpy and mean
3: Always tease people
4: Act like a buffoon the hole day
5: When somebody needs help, don't help them

4: Joker(Tuesday)
1: Be sneaky
2: You always have to do acrobatics
3: Only wear blue, purple, white and yellow
4: Be very slick
5: Always twist your words and half a French accent

Good luck
If ya loose
You have to sing the bad end generals theme song in public

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