Smile Precure Confessions By Me! Pt 2

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{Reika/Cure Beauty(Get ready to hear me pour my heart out}
I loved Reika/Cure Beauty ever since the first episode. She is just so pretty and smart. How could anybody not love her. The reason why I love her so much is because of the fight with Joker. She basically showed her true skill in that battle. Reika/Cure Beauty will always one of my favorites, no other cure could take away her place. I can't imagine anybody hating her. I will never forget Reika/Cure Beauty no matter what. She'll always be one of my favorite people, even though she isn't real.

{Nao/Cure March}
Honestly, I never was really interested in her at first. But, when I started watching the show, I started liking her a lot more. I just love Cure March's design. Especially her hair. I like how she cares so much about her family, that's why I like her so much. Nao/Cure March will always be one of the best cures to me because of how tough she is. The fact that she loves eating and hates bugs is really nice because I love and hate those things too XD. Nao/March will always be a cure that is never forgotten!

{Miyuki/Cure Happy}

To be honest, I though Miyuki/Happy was going to be one of those girl pink cures, just telling by her name. I was actually wrong. I love Miyuki/Happy, she's almost like me. She loves fairytale's and is always happy. Miyuki/Happy is one of my favorite pink cures, mainly because she's happy constantly and smiles all the time, no matter what. Even though I don't like the color pink that much, I kinda want Miyuki/Happy's outfits, they're just so cute. Miyuki/Cure Happy always makes me laugh, even in the darkest times!

(Hehe, I'll do Akane and Yayoi's in a little bit)

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