Glitter Force Doki Doki Opinion

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I'm watching it right now
I can't stop laughing
I think Marmo's voice is PERFECT
I'm getting used to Maya's voice
Mackenzie's voice is.... ok
Rachel's voice is....erm, I'll get use to it
Ira's voice....just makes me laugh
Regina's voice also kinda makes me laugh
She sounds like a little kid XD
And I love Clara's voice
So far, the dub is kinda off but it's OK
I'm watching episode 12 and I loved it when Regina Said "Your services are no longer required" and Rachel stood up and yelled "What?!"
Regina is killing me in this episode
She's practically in love with Maya
Omg 😂
I also love it when Regina says "You guys are no longer needed, so I'm gonna throw you out." and "Sorry girls, but you guys are about to be canned."

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