What do you call a one humped bunny?(Nick's POV)

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I woke up to the sound of breaking glass . I rushed out of bed and into the kitchen where Judy was standing in the midst of blue glass everywhere .

She looked at me and smiled sheepishly
"Sorry , did I wake you?" 

I smirked and shook my head .
"Stay put. I'll be right back."  I told her .
I came back with a broom , dustpan, and shoes for Judy . I was already wearing mine. After we got the glass cleaned up , Judy started cooking.

"What are you doing up so early ? Its Saturday. " I asked 

Judy rolled her eyes
" Sorry officer Wilde. But we can't slack off, not even on the weekend. Can we?"
"Yes Chife ." I siad mockingly. 

(Read my other story first. This is the sequel.) 
Judy snorted and handed me my plate.
Hey Nick , I can't find out the awnser to this problem ." Judy siad  looking down at her phone.
"What is it ?" I asked. 
"What do you call a one humped bunny?" Judy asked looking me right in the eye.
"Don't know."
"It's a eight letter word that starts with a p and ends with a t." Judy siad 
"Pregnant? " I gussed
She put down her phone and looked me in the eye .
I didn't get it. 
One humped bunny... pregnant.. I stared at her in realization 
"Wait, your... pregnant? " I asked .
"Yep. " Judy siad smiling 

I smiled and started jumping around the room .

"Woo-hoo! " I cheered .

Judy laughed . When I looked at her agian my smile melted . She had tears in her eyes and she was biting her lip . 

"Carrots, whats wrong? "  I asked 

This was good news and she was about to break down in tears . 

"Nick, I-I know this is wonderful but.... but what will.... what will it look like? Will it be a-a monster or normal? I-I " She started crying. 

I took her in my arms and held her . 
"Judes , let's not worry about that yet.  All I know is he or she will be perfect in their own way." I told her.
"How do you always know what to say? " She asked nudging me with her elbow. 
"I have had practice. " I joked . 
I kissed her and she returned it.

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