Here we go again

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"Lily , are you ok?" Amanda asked me.
we were sitting in my room watching the Mateer  (The Batchelor ) 
"Hum? Yeah sure." I mumbled.
"No your not what's wrong?" She siad turning off the TV. 
"Hey! I was watching that!" I siad.
"No you weren't.  Your reading on your phone. Now what is wrong? " She siad. 
"Noth... ok , ok . You got me. Remember what Karlata siad? " I began. 
Amanda nodded .
"Well when I got home I asked my mom if I was a freak and she siad yes." I finished. 
"Was she buys with one of your siblings? " She ventured.
"Yes. She was feeding Jasmine.  And Rosa was bugging her." I siad.
"Well then , she didn't mean it. But still I understand if that hurt your feelings. HEY!TATALAN!  CUT THAT OUT! LEAVE PETER ALONE!" She siad. 
We were baby sitting our siblings while my parents were at the doctors . Amanda's mom and dad were working. 
"What do you say? Time out their all being bad."- Amanda siad. 
I nodded. 
"One. Two. Three. EVERYONE GET IN A CORNER NOW!" We called at once.
soon all five of the kids were in their personal corner .
(Time skip ) 
"We're back. Everyone at the table." Mom called as dad shut the door.
"We have cake ! And a present! " Dad siad.
"Oooh!" The kids examined rushing to the table. 
Amanda and I exchanged looks .
"It's probably to get our attention. " I siad.
we walked into the dining room and there was indeed a cake . And a present . Amanda and I looked at each other confused. 
"Mom , what's going on? " I asked. 
"Who wants cake? It will awnser your question Lily sweetie. " Mom siad.
I blinked. Mom actually awnsered me. She siad my name. It's been years since she's siad my name.
"I want to open it the cake!" 
"No me!"
"It's my turn!"
"But you opened the cake last time!" 
"I'm the visitor I should do it!" The kids argued.
Amanda just shook her head and I rolled my eyes. 
"Lily how about you do it?" Dad asked .
I blinked dumbfound.  
"Sure." I siad .
Amanda came with me. I looked at her . She smiled to encourage me. I took a breath and lifted the lid . I felt my eyes widen , my ears go down  in surprise,  my face go slack and me biting my lip. 
"No. Way." I breathed .
I turned around to look at mom and dad. They handed the present to Rosa and she opened it lifting out six baby pj's . 
"Are we going to be big sisters and brothers?" Jasmine and Jason asked.
"Yes you are to six!" Mom siad happily. 
"YAY!" The kids cheered.
"Oh , Amanda,  we were wondering if though you are a little young , if you'd like to be this groups God-mother. "Dad asked.
"Me? Why? "Amanda asked completely shocked.
"Because you were always there for our Lily.  " Mom siad.
"Ok . I'd be honored. " she replied. 
we took some cake and headed back to my room. 
"Well , this doesn't look like it's going to end well." Amanda siad sympathetically .
"I'm with ya there . " I siad sadly.

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