Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven


    The cold air once again fought its battle as I nearly dragged Ian out of the cafe. Constantly looking back behind us, we walked in silence until we were a safe distance away from that place.

    "Well, now we have a fan club." Ian laughed, I couldn't help but join him.

    "Guess so, haha." I sighed. "Sorry I kind of lost it in there."

    "Eh, don't worry about it. You stood up for what was right, another thing I like about you, you aren't afraid to do whatever you think is right." Silence returned as we advanced on in our expedition through the town I hadn't even recognized anymore .

    I started this by denouncing the town of EdgeWaters, you know, about it's repetitiveness. Now, I'm not even sure, this definitely isn't an everyday thing. The normal routine is beginning to be missed, ironic no?

"What do we do now?" Ian said, breaking the silence.

"Not sure, how do we even investigate this? I mean, it's a teacher we're are talking about in a town where nothing's unknown, we can't exactly break into his house. Not only would people know who it was right away, it would be completely unorthodox." I kicked a stone that happened to be in our path, listening as it clinked against the concrete ground.

"The real question is do we even want to do something? I know I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record, but we can't just pretend we are invincible just because we found out some news that could potentially be nothing at all."

"Why wouldn't you want to do something?" I'll admit, I said that way too enthusiastically. "Process this for a second, there's actually something out of place here! Come on, you can't say this doesn't excite you a little bit."

Ian let out a breathy chuckle. "Alright it does a little."

Alright! Sounds like I've finally got someone on board. Besides, one little girl isn't going to do anything.

I immediately paused, processing my last thought. "If she's following us, what makes us think no one else is doing the same thing? Someone else could've heard and could be listening to us right now!" Air got caught in my throat as I frantically searched everywhere around us, praying no one was actually nearby.

"Charlie, relax!" He grabbed my shoulders, trying desperately to end the sudden panic. "No one is out there, it's all just in your thoughts, you're just overwhelmed by everything and haven't been able to process it all."

"How can you even tell me no one else could've hear us? We thought nobody could hear us at lunch and yet here we are." It felt as if all the air had been sucked out of my lungs as the pounding in my head increased. "How could we know?" I breathed out.

"Calm down, you know what happens when you get too stressed. Look, there is literally not a single person in this entire area, someone would need telepathy to be able to know what we are conversing about."

I took a deep breath, slowly relaxing. "You're right, but I'm not just talking about right at this very moment. Someone could've heard us at anytime." Even though it was completely dark out, I could still see his piercing eyes through the blackness. "They could've at the cafe."

"Well, even if someone did hear us, I doubt they would even do something towards us. Whoever finds out about this would be bound and determined to find out more about him." Ian said, turning to complete our walk. "Plus, that'd mean more allies to help us through sticky situations."

"I thought you weren't up to investigations."

"Eh, now that we're talking about it, I'm interested." We both silently laughed. "So, what's our plan of attack?"

"Didn't we just go through this? There really isn't much we could do right now." I grimaced.

"We could check out his room when he's not there, you know, look for pieces to the puzzle."

We began walking as if there were police nearby that we didn't want informed of the stolen goods in our possession, just quietness. I kept thinking about Ian's plans over and over, picturing how it would play out. Nothing we say is safe anymore, our thoughts will never be protected. I don't care what he says, nothing will abolish the thoughts that are always in mind.

We are not safe.

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