Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen


    Next thing I knew, we were walking through town, taking small bites of fudge as we did so. The beginning had consisted of silence, but I could see as Sabrina stared through the corner of my eye, her eyes darting whenever I had returned the stare.

    "I say on the way back we stop at the shop again for more fudge." Sabrina said, mouth loaded with the sweet chocolate.

    "You sure? I think three packages are enough for one day."

    She stopped. "There's no such thing as too much fudge."

    "Yeah, when you're in the bush puking it is." She shot me a look. "We're almost there, just a few more blocks."

    The fact that everything is tieing so well together astonishes me, the flipbook, the coordinates, all of it is just fascinating, even though they were pretty much related to begin with. I already know what you guys think, telepathy mate, you're probably saying how annoying it is that I've previously done nothing but mope for two days. Trust me, you would be too if you were the reason your friend got kidnapped.

    "I saw it by the way, the way you looked at me when I opened the door." I said, never locking my eyes with hers. "I get it, it's just self pity, but you wouldn't of looked like that if you were in my shoes."

    She stopped as she had quickly gone in front of me, which forced me to stop in my tracks. "What are you talking about? I completely understand what you're going through."

    "You have absolutely no idea what I'm going-" I closed my eyes, containing the fury within. "Look, I just need to get Ian back and that's what I'm going to do, I honestly don't care whether you are with me or not. All I care about is figuring out what's going on and getting him back to his parents."

    With a confused expression, Sabrina grabbed my arm. "Look, I know you lost your friend and all, but you aren't the only one wanting to solve the only mystery in this town." She looked around. "I mean seriously, there's nothing here that isn't known."

    "I get it, you're a bored little child looking for an adventure," I winked at her. "Alright, let's go find that tree."

    We finished our adventure just about at the same we had finished the rest of the fudge, Sabrina was a bit too upset about that part.

    "How would life be able to strive without that? I mean just think about it, there isn't one person who could go an entire lifetime without-"

    "I get it, you like fudge!" I interrupted. "Come on, it's right up ahead."

    The iconic fence came into view as we approached our tree, well not our know what I mean. The dark brown tree sprouted from the ground in a 'y' kind of shape, branches connecting them towards the top.

"So, ah, I don't get it. It's just a normal oak tree, how do we open it?" Sabrina said, getting close and personal with it.

"The bark is loose here," I pulled the bark off, revealing a carved rectangular shape. "Now what?"

"This doesn't even open! It's just a carving!" Frustration taking over, she had grabbed a stick to try to pry it open.

"Wait!" I put my hand on the damp wood, stopping it. "What's that?" There was a strange hole type thing, almost where a door handle would've gone within the shape. It wasn't until I had gotten a close look when things started to piece together, we were missing the most important part.

The key.

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