It'll Cost You

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"I actually put the quote at the end of the chapter, jw who reads these."

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Warning: To hell with logic.

( 。◕‿‿◕。)

We made our way to the arena as a team, bumping into our former classmates along the way and exchanging pleasant greetings. When we arrived in the arena, my eyes zoomed around to find Kakashi. I was disappointed that I couldn't find him, though.

Then a flash of red caught my attention, just as Hiruzen began his speech.

My eyes zoomed in on a team I did not expect to see. When they hadn't shown up the first couple of days, I feared they had lost both scrolls I had managed to sneak onto their person while I hugged them.

Lo and behold, though, looking extremely battered was one Kusagakure Genin team with a shy Karin who fidgeted nervously. She must have sensed my gaze on her, because she turned around and met my stare. Her eyes lit up with recognition and a smile bloomed across her face.

I instantly smiled back at her, as warmly as I could, hoping she would understand that I wanted to be her friend.

When the Hokage's speech was done, and Hayate motioned for each of us to head up on the balcony before he would announce the first matchup, I reached across the room and grabbed Karin's hand. Both her teammates turned to glare suspiciously at me, before they recognized me.

One of her male teammates whose name was entirely unimportant said, "Hey! You're the one that placed those scrolls on us."

I smiled at Karin, ignoring the male that would never make the cut to be apart of my harem."You should come and join our team, Cutie."

She blushed. "Um—"

"Don't listen to her Karin," the other teammate said. "We should stay together."

"Teams are over by this point. No need for teams to stay together unless they want to," I told the boys. "So Karin-chan can come hang out with me and my friends. Unless you'd rather stay with these two boys?"

She hesitated, fidgeting under her teammates' glares before she shook her head. I shot them both triumphant smirks before I tugged on her hand. Hinata and Naruto were waiting for me at the base of the stairs, both smiling warmly at Karin and myself.

"I'm Hyūga Hinata," Hinata introduced herself to the rosy-haired girl.

"U-Uzumaki Karin," Karin replied.

Naruto's eyes widened. "What? Did you say Uzumaki?"

Even Hinata was surprised. "Are you Naruto-kun's cousin?"

Karin tilted her head at that, her brow furrowed. "Wh-Who?"

"Talk while we walk, dearies, they want to start the matches," I said, guiding everyone up the stairs. Sasuke looked over at us, his hands stuffed in his pocket as he waited for us to join him. Kiba and Shino gravitated towards our group, and soon Ino's team followed.

Once everyone had arrived, I introduced Karin once more. "Everyone, this is Uzumaki Karin from Kusagakure."

"The idiot has a cousin?" Sasuke asked.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto," Naruto said quickly to the growing more confused Karin. "A-Are we cousins?"

"We might be," Karin said slowly. "Do you not know a-about our clan?"

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