Chapter 2

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The afternoon drew long and the sun still hadn't set. It had been close to late evening when Achilles placed his soft hand on his companion's cheek. He moved his fingertips on his rough skin, over the bumps and perfectly placed freckles. Even though his face was not as beautiful and even as Achilles, Achilles did admire it so.

"Do you really have to go?" Patroclus whined, upset the moment was ending. "Yes. My mother wants me to meet with her. I must go, but I will be back." Achilles reassured, looking deeply into his companion's eyes. He had no choice but to let Achilles go for a while. So Achilles climbed out through the window of the big room they had shared, and made his way to the shore.

He closed his eyes as he approached the water. The waves shyly touched his feet, and wrapped around his ankles as if in a bashful greeting. "Hello, my son." A woman of said before him. Her dark eyes looked down upon him. It was Thetis. Everything went still. There was no sound but her voice. "Hello, Mother." Achilles replied. "Are you well?" "Yes, I am well." She asked him this many times before. "Who is this boy you know? There is talk. He is your companion, is he not?" Achilles took a second to think, however the goddess did not like waiting. "Yes, he is my companion." He replied clearly. "Why do you waist your time with this mortal. You do deserve better." She hissed, her words stinging Achilles so. She has always been immature about mortals. "He is a fine fit as my companion." Achilles replied to his mother's harsh words. His mother laughed in amusement. "You are not to waste any more time on this boy. Do you understand?" Achilles did not. He was furious with his mother's unfair demands, but he knew he could not say no. "Yes, Mother." He said instead and when she had gone, he returned to the bedroom in which Achilles and Patroclus slept.

Patroclus had a cot in the corner of the room, as Achilles had a bed. By the time he had gotten back, the moon was hanging above the kingdom. He saw Patroclus had drifted to bed, the moonlight shining on his face. His face was calm and filled with imperfect beauty, at least that is the way Achilles saw him. Despite his slumber, Achilles still whispered a goodnight and headed to his bed to sleep.

The next day, Achilles showed Patroclus to one of the tallest trees in the kingdom. It's long branches reached over them, plentiful with bright green leaves. "Do you think I could climb to the top?" Patroclus asked. "We will see." Achilles replied as he reached for the first branch. His limbs were longer than Patroclus', however Patroclus climbed after the prince, in hope he would be able to climb all the way up. Once Achilles reached the top, he extended his arm towards his companion. He noticed how well Patroclus' hand fit in his. He pulled him up to the same branch he had been sitting on.

Achilles took a deep breath in. "What is it?" Asked Patroclus. "My mother. She does not think you are a fit companion." A look of confusion spread across Patroclus' face. "She knows of me?" "Yes." Patroclus remembered she could see them, as she was a goddess. "Do-" Patroclus started, afraid to ask the question. "Do you think I am a good companion?" Achilles looked him dead in the eyes. He reached for Patroclus' hand. "Of course I do." Achilles said as Patroclus stared down at their hands touching. He wanted very badly to lean in, but instead he started to climb down. Achilles followed after him slowly, even in knowing he was not going to fall. Maybe, it was in attempt to be more distant. Achilles could see the longing in Patroclus' eyes, and Achilles could not lie to himself. He did long for him too. Thetis could not be pleased with Patroclus though, no matter how much they longed to be by each other's sides.

As the sun set, they sat underneath the tree on shady, cool sand, the smell of the sea tickling their noses. Sitting with Patroclus had been Achilles' favorite part of the day. Usually they would laugh, tell stories and make up games for the two of them. Patroclus' had his hands tangled in Achilles' hair, as he listened to him talk, the smoothness of his voice was like music to his ears. When he spoke, Patroclus could hear nothing else. "I do not care what my mother says. It may make her angry, but I could care less about what she says." Achilles said to Patroclus. "Can she hear you now?" He asked the prince quietly, as if worried that his words would make the goddess angry. "Yes." He replied. "Do not worry though." Achilles smiled reassuringly, but Patroclus could not smile, for he was afraid, and the fear he swallowed had got caught in his throat.

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