Chapter 6

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"I want you to become a full god." Achilles' head hurt from his mother's voice. It echoed along the shore. "Mother, why do you wish I be like you? It is not who I want to be." Thetis laughed. Her dark eyes sank into his. "Son, do you want to anger me? I want what is best for you. Don't you want fame? Besides, you can finally get rid of Patroclus." Achilles stormed off, rolling his eyes. Thetis hissed. She watched him run away from the shore.

Achilles ran to his bedroom to find Patroclus. He had been laying in Achilles' bed and twiddling his thumbs. As soon as Achilles saw him, he teared up. "Achilles!" Patroclus jumped out of his bed and ran to him. He wiped his tears away from his face. "Patroclus, I cannot deal with my mother anymore." He said through sobs. Patroclus threw his arms around him. "What has she done this time?" "She wants me to be a full god. She wants me to have fame and to leave you behind." "It is going to be okay." Patroclus said, then kissing his tears. As the moon fell on them, they found their way to the soft blankets of Achilles' bed, embracing one another with eyes closed and minds at rest.

In the morning, Achilles and Patroclus went to see King Peleus, as they do most mornings. Achilles' father had a stern look on his face. "Is it so that your mother has asked you to be a god?" He asked his son. "Yes, father." Achilles replied softly. "Now, do you wish to become a god?" Achilles looked at his feet and scrunched up his face. "I do not." "So there, it is settled now. Head off to your lesson."

So him and Patroclus walked through the hallways to find a small room. On the walls, instruments hung and on the chair as well. Achilles' teacher greeted him softly. "Do you remember the song you learned last week?" Achilles nodded. He picked up the wooden lyre from the seat and sat down. His soft fingers plucked the strings. Patroclus sat there in awe as Achilles began to hum the tune a bit.

After Achilles' lesson, they walked on the shore. "You never told me you played the lyre." Achilles laughed. "I never thought I was any good." He replied. "You're good at everything." Patroclus said. Achilles blushed. "Well without you here, I wouldn't have any motivation to do anything. The only thing keeping me going sometimes, is that I get to see your face every morning. It is so hard to be a prince. It is so hard to be part god. All my mom wants me to do is become a god and become famous." "Don't worry, I am in this fight with you, Achilles. I will never leave your side unless you ask me to."  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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