Part 16: Library Detour

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I went back to class the next day, despite Gabe's repeated threats to tie me to the bed until I was fully recovered. I waited until he was in the shower, grabbed my backpack and phone from the dresser,  and then ran out of the room, which in my weakened state was closer to a slow jog. I managed to catch a ride with John, who was on his way over to campus to pick Paige up for an early breakfast. The car ride was awkward, with John's feeble attempts at conversation dying away when I kept getting distracted thinking of what Gabe's reaction would be at another escape. 

Eventually John looked over and said, "You know I texted him as soon as you got in the car right? I don't want him to kick my ass as much as you don't want him to kick your ass." I glanced over at him with wide eyes and slid discreetly away from him, 'Gabe wouldn't do that. Right?' I was trying to reassure myself, but my hands started sweating slightly. I tried to remain as calm as possible. However, he noticed my change in mood and started backpedaling furiously, "No, what I mean is-look he would never-" Eventually he just sighed and ran his hand through his messy brown hair. 

We pulled into the parking lot in a tense silence and as soon as he put the car in park I practically jumped out of the car and walked as quickly as I could to my class, running my hands through my tangled hair trying to detangle it. I was in such a rush to get out of the room that I was dressed in the clothes that I had on from the night before, consisting of leggings and an over-sized sweatshirt that I had to roll the sleeves up at least 3 times to free my hands. My hair hadn't been washed in too long, but there was nothing I could do except pull it into a bun and try to avoid close interaction with people, which was essentially something I did anyway. I slid into my seat in my English literature class and took out a pen and a notebook with a deep exhale. Gabe had done nothing to betray my trust, and every bone in my body wanted to be with him, but my mind was having a hard time agreeing. There was just too much that could go wrong, and my walls that I had built up were too comfortable and secure. I barely knew Gabe, and I couldn't go blindly into situations anymore. I was smarter than that. Focused on my thoughts, I didn't hear a word of the lecture and was startled out of my thoughts by the commotion of people gathering their things. I shrugged guiltily to myself and then followed suit, stuffing my things into my beaten black backpack and sidling guiltily out of the classroom. 

I was walking across campus, keeping my eyes peeled for the muscular form that I was growing so familiar with. I had just crossed over the threshold into the campus library when I made eye contact with some furious emerald eyes that were directed at me. I turned on my heel, ducked under the arm of an upperclassman that was holding the door and walked briskly away, trying to remain as casual as I could. The hope of escape drifted away when I was taken by the forearm and directed to a table in the campus. A gentle push sent me onto the cool metal seat and I was grasped on either shoulder by Gabe, who just gave a gentle sigh and took a seat across from me. He was wearing a deep green button up that empathized his shoulders and made his dark brown hair look even better, which was slightly annoying. He didn't really need to look any more attractive that he already was, it was almost too much for me to handle. 


"What?" I smiled widely, like I could actually charm him into forgetting the discussion. 

"You are still sick. You haven't eaten a real meal in 2 days and you haven't showered in that long either. I cannot take care of you if I am not sure where you are. Did you know that I practically tore the pack house down looking for you before I got the text from John saying you were safe? What I need from you-" he broke off, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "What I need from you is for you to try not to run. I know you're scared and now that I know why that is I can try to help, but without any effort from you I'm going to be chasing you forever. And I will, you know. Chase you forever I mean. I love you."

My heart stopped at those three words. I couldn't do anything but gape like a beached fish. My palms were clammy and I was trying not to hyperventilate. Finally I looked down to my twisting hands in my lap and swallowed, "You shouldn't. I'm not worth it."

He moved closer to me like he was going to comfort me and I shook my head, sliding out of the chair. "I'm not worth it." Ignoring his sad expression, I stood and walked away, back toward the library while swallowing the lump in my throat. Gabe was still sitting at the table, staring after me with something that could only be described as betrayed.

The internal battle that my head was partaking in was something that could only be described as terrifying. I was trying to keep walking, but my feet were slowing down and I found myself turning around to face him.  The magnetic pull that I was feeling towards his lone figure was overwhelming and all I could think about was being close to him. I stomped my foot, trying to find some shred of rationality.

I groaned, "Fuck it." With the last recess of my dignity flying away from me, I broke into a run and flew back to his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted myself off of the ground and planted my lips onto his. Gabe staggered, but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and kept me lifted up off of the ground and kissed me back. There was a roaring sensation that always came with his touch and I welcomed it, letting it consume me and overwhelm every sense that I was capable of internalizing. There could have been a raging fire or a tornado right next to us, but we weren't stopping for anyone. I finally pulled away when I ran completely out of air. I kept my eyes closed, trying to regain my composure and when I opened them I was gazing into emeralds that were so completely filled with love that I could have melted. He set me gently back on the ground and kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and said, "I think I could love you too."


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