Emergent (Divergent 4)

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Chapter 1

I wake up shaking, and a wave of sadness washes over me. I have no reason to live, because of my misery. It's all over, Tris is gone. Depressed, I don't know what to do, and how to live without her. Silently, I picture her in my head, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and can't believe she's gone.

I start to cry, and a familiar voice says," Tobias, what's wrong?" and my eyes flash open. My mouth opens and drops to the floor. Confused and shocked, I can't believe it, this can't be real. I shake my head and rub my eyes. In shock, I realize that this isn't my imagination. I see two things at the same time: my best friend and the love of my life. It was Tris.

Standing up, as a wave of nausea runs through me, I sprint to her. Clumsily, I loose my balance, and I trip, but manage to stay on my feet. I don't know how she's alive, but I feel relieved when I hug her with tears of joy. She says," Tobias, you never cry, what happened?" Trying to speak clearly I say,"Tris, you're-you're alive! I-I thought you died in the lab."

"What lab?" Tris questioned,"What are you talking about?" Confused, I say," You saved your brother. You-you also saved a city's memory from being erased." Her beautiful eyes were filled with concern. This was the first time I really looked at her since she died, and I still couldn't believe how amazing she was. I couldn't imagine ever losing her.

Tris hesitates, but slowly says,"Tobias... That whole thing was you're fear landscape. None of it was real." I look behind me, relieved to see the stimulation equipment.

Still crying, I say," I love you so much, Tris. I-I thought I would never see you again." We kiss, and she says," Tobias, I love you too. I don't know what I would ever do without you."

Tris and I race back to the Pit, laughing the whole way. We run at the same pace, our feet in pattern. She's short and I'm tall, but we still make a perfect team. Tris's blonde hair is gleaming in the sunset, and I suddenly realize how beautiful she is. Her strides are perfect, and she's running so gracefully. Ever since she joined Dauntless, she's been the most beautiful and strong girl I've ever met. I think of how lucky I am to have her in my life. Since she's divergent, I need to protect her, even if it means sacrificing myself to save her.

We reach the Pit, starving, so we get something to eat. I get some cake, my favorite, and smear some on Tris's nose. Even with cake smeared on her face, she's beautiful. I laugh hysterically and she exclaims,"Hey!" and a scheming grin flashes across her face. Oh-no I think, knowing what's going to happen. She grabs a handful of cake, throws it at my face, and says,"You asked for it!" and she starts to laugh. I hope I look as good in cake as she does. Probably not. I laugh with her, happy to have her back.

I say, "I love you, Tris. I don't know how I could live without you." and kiss her. She kisses back, and says,"I love you, Tobias."

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