Emergent (Divergent 4)

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Chapter 23

I hear screams, so many my ears ring from the sound. I pull out of the kiss, and look at Tris. Her eyes are filled with terror, and after looking around, I realize why. Hundreds of armed Dauntless are running toward us, their feet in pattern. They are in a simulation.

"Run!" I yell to Tris, frantic. I can't lose her, I can't lose her, I can't lose her. I lace my fingers with hers, and we take off, both of us sprinting faster than we have before. We need to get to our apartment, because we need to protect Alex and Liv.

Guns are firing, accompanied with a deafening bang. People all around us are screaming, and falling to the ground. Chaos is taking over.

I hear another scream, this one high pitched, and close to me. Tris's hand falls from mine, and I stop running. She's on the ground, face first, with multiple gunshot wounds in her arms and legs.

While I sprint over, all the Dauntless soldiers run to us, pointing their guns at me. Once I get to Tris, all I can hear is her screaming,"Tobias, run!" My mind takes a few seconds to process what she said, but after it does, I say,"No, Tris. I'm not leaving you." After saying this, I hear multiple gunshots, and before I know it, my shoulder burns, but I stay on my feet.

"Tris!" I scream, but I know it's no use.

Blood pours down my arm, and eventually starts to drip off my fingers.

The Dauntless grab her arms and legs, not caring about her wounds. They drag her to a car, and she's screaming my name. I start to run after her, screaming for her.

Before they get there, I start to run, having one thing on my agenda: save her. I punch three soldiers in the face, but fall to the ground as they shoot at me. My arms and legs scream, but I realize that they don't want us all dead. The pieces of the puzzle connect in my mind. Erudite's plan is to injure us, so they can get something from us without a struggle. What it is, I don't know.

I stand, and hobble towards the car they have Tris in. "Tris!" Her eyes are filled with pain, but her face shows a greater need: me. I lung toward her, but before I can make it, a soldier hits the butt of the gun into my temple. I scream,"I love you!" hoping she can hear it. But what difference will it make? There are a few seconds of pain, but after that, I feel nothing.

Thanks for reading! My fans mean so much to me! If you enjoyed this, and I hope you did :), please vote and comment! Thanks!!!

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