Emergent (Divergent 4)

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Chapter 4

I wake up feeling dizzy, and I am unable to move my arm. I see Tobias who whispers,"Tris, are you okay?" I reply,"Yes. But what happened?"

"Edward elbowed you hard in your temple. You landed on your arm causing it to crack. Then you passed out." His jaw was swollen up to the size of a my fist, and it was bruised dark purple. He probably fought back. I see tiredness in his eyes, knowing that he probably stayed up all night to make sure I was okay.

"I'm taking you to the hospital today, and they will fix your arm. Does your head hurt?" "Yes, it hurts. I also feel dizzy." I try to stand up, but he grabs my hand. "Tris, you need to rest. I don't want you getting hurt again." He kisses me, and he undoes my hair so I can lay down more comfortably. I mumble," I love you, Tobias." Before he says anything, I drift off into a deep sleep.

I wake up to Tobias, who is whispering,"Tris, we need to get your arm checked out." I open my eyes, and start to feel extremely dizzy. I look at him with painful eyes, and he mumbles,"Tris, you're going to be okay." I try to stand up, but I know that it's not going to work. My arm and head explode with pain, and I scream. "Tobias, I can't." I start crying, the pain too strong for me to handle.

He nods, and very gently, moves me into his arms. He starts to carry me to the hospital, walking as slowly and carefully as possible. My head is throbbing, and the world is spinning. "Tris, are you okay?" I black out.

I open my eyes, seeing Tobias sleeping on a bench in my hospital room. His rhythm of breathing calms me. "Tobias?" He wakes up, and I ask,"How long have I been here?" I notice a cast on my arm. It still sears with pain. He answers,"About three days. The doctor said you shattered your arm, dislocated your shoulder, and got a concussion."

I feel dizzy, even though I'm not moving. "Tobias, is your jaw okay?" The swelling hadn't gone down. His eyes were filled with pain. "Don't worry about me, Tris. I'll be fine."

The doctor came in, and said,"Good your awake. How are you feeling, Beatrice?" I hate when people use my full name, but I'm in too much pain to care. "I'm so dizzy I can't see straight. But I'm fine." Tobias's eyes were filled with concern. I try to tell him I'm fine, but the words won't come out. The world starts to spin, and I mumble,"Tobias, I-" I can't finish my sentence. "Tris?" I pass out.

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