Emergent (Divergent 4)

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Chapter 31

After I get stitches, I walk back to my room, and find Christina there. "Hey," I say,"Thanks for taking care of them." She smiles, and hands them to me. "No problem. Wait, what happened to your forehead? And where's Tris?" Sighing, I feel tears coming to my eyes, but I won't cry in front of Christina. "I hit my forehead on the door of a train. Tris got shot, and is in the hospital." I look at Alex and Liv. At least they are okay.

"Where did she get shot? Is she going to be okay?" I really want to be alone, but I have to tell Christina. She's Tris's best friend. "She got shot in her chest. I got her bleeding down, but she went into shock, so I don't know if she'll be okay."

Christina sits down, and stares at the floor. "Tobias, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" "No," I say, my voice weak, as if I am about to shatter into millions of pieces.

We sit in silence, each of us staring at the floor. "I'm going to check on Tris. The doctor said that she should be in a room by now." Christina nods, and throws me my keys. "Thanks," I mumble, barely loud enough to hear. "Tobias, if anything happens to her, tell me. I'm room 207." Silently agreeing, I walk out of the room.

When I get to the hospital, I go to the front desk. "How is Beatrice Eaton? Can I see her?" As she files through papers, the woman at the desk says,"I'm so sorry." Almost yelling, I demand,"Sorry about what?" The woman hesitates, but says,"After you brought her here, she went into shock from loosing too much blood. Her blood loss put her into a coma. We don't think she'll wake up."

I don't know what to do, but I have to get out of here. Tears streaming down my face, I run for the elevator. "Wait," the woman calls. as I stop and turn around, she says,"Before she went into the coma, she said,'Tell Tobias I love him.'"

Crying, I start to run again. I get to my room and lie down onto my bed, crying into my pillow.

Tris is my one and only love I will ever have. I can't live without her.

But then I realize we're talking about Tris; Tris who cheats death daily.

Can she survive?

I think she can.

But I know she will.

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