Emergent (Divergent 4)

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Chapter 24

"Tobias!" I scream, even though he can't hear me. The Dauntless soldiers' hands dig into my bullet wounds, but they don't seem to care. They don't care, I tell myself, they're in a simulation.

The soldiers throw me into a car, making me hit my head on the other door. My vision goes black for a minute, and I scream in pain from the impact on my head. A bright read colored liquid runs down my neck. Blood. I move my hand up to the top of my head, and feel a huge gash above my forehead.

"Why do you want me?" I ask, my voice shaking. A man turns around, a friendly, but obviously fake, smile on his face. "I'm David, and you're going to help me make simulations that even the divergent can't tell are real."

I glare him in the eyes, and say in the strongest voice I can,"Why would I do that?" He looks at me, still smiling his fake smile. "Do you want to live?" I hesitate, not wanting to help him, but if I die, Tobias couldn't live the same again. "But won't you kill me after you're done with me?" "Yes," David says, still with that stupid smirk of his face. I'll have a chance to escape if I help him, says a voice in my head. "Fine," I say, hoping I can get back to my life with Tobias.


After the car ride, we get to Erudite headquarters. "I didn't know you worked here," I say, looking for a chance to escape, but I realize that there are too many soldiers, and I wouldn't stand a chance. "After your friend Tori killed Jeanine Matthews, I killed Erudite citizens until they let me take her place." He says this as he's just talking in a normal conversation. "Of course you did," I mutter to myself, not caring if he hears or not.

We arrive in a lab, and David forces me into a chair, strapping my arms and legs. He walks out of the room, and minutes later, his assistant walks in, carrying a needle full of a bright red serum. "You're Beatrice Prior, aren't you?" "It's actually Beatrice Eaton," I say, without thinking. Why did I do that? Now Tobias, Alex and Liv could be in danger. I mentally curse myself.

All the assistant does is nod, and pushes the needle into my neck. "What was in that?" I ask because I've never seen a red serum before. "A fear simulation, but more real." My eyes close, and everything goes black.

My eyes open to Tobias's screaming. I look around, and spot him lying on the ground with a bullet in his chest. The chest I use to lie on, or the one I put my hand up to to feel his heartbeat. I need that heart to keep beating.

"Tobias!" I scream, as he starts to cough blood. His blue eyes water, the blue eyes I wanted to get lost into, but now all I want is for them to stay open. "Tris, run!" he screams, his low, but sweet voice echoing in my ears. "No," I say. I can't leave him here to die. His eyes meet mine, while he says,"Why?" And then it hits me, all the puzzle pieces flying into place. "Because this isn't real."

I wake up, and feel tears rolling down my face. David storms angrily into the lab, and declares,"How did you do that?" I try to talk as clearly as possible, but I can't. "I-I don't kn-kn-know. I just l-l-looked into his eyes, an-and it wasn't h-him." David scowls at me, looking unsatisfied. "You're hiding something." He knows I'm divergent, so what else could I be hiding?

"Tell me, or you will regret it." As I'm still crying, I think of Tobias. What happened after he blacked-out? Is he okay?

"I don't know. I swear." As I say this, I know he won't believe me. "Fine. Come with me then."

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