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I saw him today.

He was standing right by his locker, exactly like any other day.

He had that smile plastered on his face. The kind of smile which made you wonder, who had him smile before I could? 

His friends were surrounding him, and he looked just so happy. I could see his mouth moving, meaning that he was talking to his friends also. 

My locker was next to his. Except I was too shy to even walk to my locker, and grab my things. I know if I stayed right behind the wall, peeking glances at him I would be motioned as "Stalker". I don't think of myself of a stalker, more of an observer and wanting to know more about people. 

I could see one his friends talking then soon stopping when they caught me taking one of my quick sneaky glances at him. I saw his friend point at my direction and my body froze in fear, when I quickly turned around and stayed silent.

I could hear his friend tell him that he saw somebody staring at him. He just simply laughed calling his friend stupid. His friend pretty much just shrugged it off, and soon I heard their voices disappearing after a little bit. 

I peeked my head a little and saw nobody was near his and mine locker. I smiled with happiness and quickly sprinted to my locker. I tried to put in my combintation quickly when I heard a chuckle start to make it's way behind me. My body freezing in fear, I stayed still when I heard the voice.

It was his voice.

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