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I don't know if you'll get this letter, mostly because I'm not sure if you're dead or if you're alive.

But if you do get this letter, I want you to not blame yourself for my death. Please don't blame yourself for my death. 

I remember how when I first heard of you, there was so many rumours. And I'll be truthful, I sort of believed them. But that was until I actually took a notice of you because of Kim telling me about you staring at me, and then you got my interested.

Bree, I love you so much. Despite how many times I may not say it to you. I decided that I should just tell you exactly how you feel and yes I know this must sound cheesy, and probably a chick-flick moment. But hey I can't stop myself from expressing my feelings to the one I love.

Bree, you're so beautiful, I love how every time you smile your lips would curve up, and the way you laugh. God. It's so beautiful. Your smile and laugh just brightens up the whole world, I swear since I know how this world works. When it becomes all dark, and I feel like I'm all alone, I just imagine your smile and soon you appear and my whole world is all brighten up.

Your hair, it's also so pretty. I remember when on maybe a Tuesday, I decided to go to the Library to check out a book and I found your figure near the Romance section, I know this this is sort of creepy. But I decided to go talk to you, but man was it hard for me to even try. I mean, it's usually so easy for me to talk to girls but this time when I saw you right there holding a book and reading it with such content, I couldn't bring myself to go and talk to you. I ended up making a plan, and basically my plan was to go behind you and touch your hair.

So I decided to do that, and when I took a hold of your hair, it felt so silky and I wanted so badly to wrap my fingers around it. Then I noticed your body tense up, so I quickly took a duck and hid behind a different book section. I remember peeking through the books to see you looking around, all confused and then continuing back to your book. It was so adorable! I wanted so badly just to tackle you, and hug you.

Man, this letter sounds like a chick-flick already.

Any who, your voice is just so adorable! It's so quiet, and sends shivers down my whole body. Every time you talk, I can feel myself only paying attention to you, and not even my friends.

Hey, maybe this is what love means, but towards me at the time I wasn't use to it. It made me feel all weird, and I felt all strange.

Everyday, I thought about you, what you were doing(Not in a creepy way) and how you were doing. I'll be honest I was worried 24/7 knowing if you were alright, since all bad incidents that were occurring.

But every time I saw you, my day would just becomes so much better. Yeah, you heard me right. You do that much to me.

Bree, I know you're probably crying by now, and you're probably shock that this is how I feel about you. But don't deny the fact, that you're all of these things that I've ranted on about. Cause I'll be honest here, and now. You mean the world to me.

I want you to have the greatest life ever, I want you to be happy and I want you to forget all about me. I don't want you to be hung over on the past, you need to forget about me alright. Please just promise me that you will.

I love you to the moon and back and from infinite and beyond.


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