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My mind was in a daze, while the surging pain rushing into my head informed me that I was indeed in pain.

I found myself in a place where I didn't even recognize, the room stood to be pitch dark, the blinds shut, the room feeling stuffy, my lungs starting to close up as I noticed that surrounding me were dark shadows. Their arms coming out of the darkness, showing skeleton fingers, their fingers slowly touching my skin and I could feel the burning sensation of their touch.

They kept on slowly touching my arm, making me burn even more. I soon realized that blood was dripping down my arm, and their mouths yanked open and my eyes widen in fear as I noticed their teeth were fangs. They were sharp enough to tear your skin off, and wear it as their clothes. I started to tremble in fear, as their tongues licked their mouths and soon their red beating eyes stared directly into my soul.

"Bree." I heard their voice call out in the most sickening voice ever, it made my skin jump, my body trembling, and I felt sick to my stomach. I was on the verge of wanting to puke out my insides, to just end it all. But for some reason, as I tried to vomit nothing appeared out. The only thing I noticed was that my head was dripping blood, and their eyes were looking at me hungrily.

"Doctor we're losing her!" I could hear somebody's voice call out in a rush, I didn't knew what was going on but the shadows that were haunting me soon disappeared and the last thing I could remember hearing them say was "I'll be back Bree." I felt that last response dreadful, it left me trembling even more, my arms shaking, my whole body shivering as if all of the heat that was in me soon disappeared to become instead of it's position, cold.

I flashed my eyes open to find myself in a different room, the room was white, there were people surrounding me and holding in their hands some sort of device. I stared blankly at them, expecting them to quit but instead they continued shocking me with it. I could sense my heart quickly beating, then slowly stopping, then once again beating quickly. I tried to tell them to stop it, to tell them that it was hurting me but as I tried to open my mouth, nothing came out. The only thing that came out was just a screeching sound which sounded like the tires scorching to a stop.

I tried to turn my head, but only to find myself feeling that weird feeling of tiredness. Slowly closing my eyes, I heard the voice yell out even louder "C'mon Doctor! We need to save her! We're losing her!!" And then came another shock, it sent shivers to my body which obviously I couldn't feel because I was stuck.

I was paralyzed in fear.


I woke up to find myself attached to another device, there was liquid running down and soon I found my eyes drifting to find the thing attached to my arm. I breathed slowly, and I realized that I had this oxygen mask on me, and then an annoying beeping noise came to mind. I turned my head to find the heart scanner, it was beating slowly to the rhythm of my heart.

I tried to raise my hand to touch it, as if following the beating of my heart but my hand soon fell to my side. I sighed slowly, and then noticed something strange. There was a vase of tulips next to me, next to them was a letter that had my name written on it. I felt my insides wanting to puke, I hate seeing my name.

It just reminds me of how I'll never be good enough for him.

I could feel the lump in my throat wanting to escape, and so I let it. It wasn't like anybody was here to judge me, so I let that lump escape. A few tears started to drip down my face, and soon it felt like a waterfall was right on my face.

I heard the sound of the door knocking, but I decided to ignore it as I continued sobbing softly. The door open up slowly, and my eyes widen in fear as I noticed it was Ethan. He had on a bright blue hoodie, which reminded of the sky, next my eyes noticed how messy it hair was. And soon my eyes skip to his eyes, underneath them were dark bags, probably from the lack of sleep.

Her HeartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя