02| Rosé visits✨

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Lisa was awakened by the constant knocking on her door. She rolled out of bed ready to gibe whoever interrupted her slumber, a piece of her mind.

Her glare turned into a wide smile as soon as she opened her door to see her best friend Rosé.

"You know I should slap you?" Lisa joked. Rosé just smiled before embracing her in a tight hug.

"It has been so long. I missed you so much Lisa. How are how things been over here?" Rosé asked as she and Lisa took a seat along the countertop. Lisa was currently making the two fresh coffee.

She sighed. "They've been better. I-I broke up with Taehyung." she spoke sadly remembering the events of the day before including Jungkook and his kind personality.

Rosé gasped. "You two ended things! Why?" she asked in total shock while accepting the mug filled with coffee from Lisa.

"He cheated. Rosé he cheated." Lisa spoke. A single tear escaped from her eye. She wad trying to be strong, but it wasn't working.

Rosé was taken aback. Lisa and Taehyung had a strong relationship. They were madly in love. It shocked Rosé that Taehyung could do something so vulgar and ruin everything that they worked so hard to build.

"No don't cry. Lisa look at me." Rosé ordered. Lisa turned her head to look at her friend. Her eyes were previously glued to the floor. She had to look anywhere, but Rosé's eyes. She didn't want to to see the worry, and disappointment in her eyes.

"You will not cry over him. He made the mistake and he lost one of the best girls I know. It's his loss not yours." she calmed her friend. "I don't want you to worry your pretty little head off about a thing."

Lisa smiled. She loved having Rosé as a friend. She was always so caring and could make anyone feel like they actually mattered when it seemed like life was tearing you apart.

"So how were things in France?" Lisa asked suddenly changing the subject. Rosé sent her a look, but replaced it with a small smile.

"It was...amazing. My clothing line has been created and now I'm just waiting to get my release date and then I will return." Rosé mused. Lisa could tell that she loved France by the way her eyes bounced with happiness and he her smile never left her face.

Lisa hummed. "That sounds nice. You just came back and you're already ready to leave." Lisa teased. Rosé smiled.

"I haven't been told my release date yet, it'll take a month at most, but when I do go, I'm taking you with me." she said smiling cheekily.

Lisa gasped. "No, you're kidding." Lisa said not believing a word she said. Rosé nodded and chuckled lightly.

"I'm serious. I received 2 free tickets. One for you and whomever else I decide to bring." Lisa could not believe what she was hearing. In less than a month from now she'd on a plane going to France. This was so much nicer than yesterday's events.

"Thank you. Rosé I don't even know how-" Lisa spoke as she finished her coffee. "Don't even try to repay me. You need this. You need this Lisa. Especially with what has happened between you and Taehyung."

Lisa sighed, but gave Rosé a faint smile. She placed both mugs in the sink and turned to Rosé. Before she could even speak Rosé phone went off.

Lisa averted her gaze to Rosé phone. She smiled cheekily when she read the caller ID. Rosé sent her an apologetic smile before she answered.

Lisa stared at the ground while Rosé was engaged in her conversation.

"That sounds nice. I'll talk to you later." she bid good-by to the person she was speaking to.

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