Chapter 1

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"Hey, what's going on guys, it's your girl Caitlin here, with my three beautiful children, Ashton, Carter, and Alanna. Say hi, guys!"

"Hi." My six year old daughter, Ashton, says.

"Hewo!" Carter, now a four year old troublemaker, says.

"WAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Alanna cries.

I sigh, going over to the crib and picking up my two year old daughter. I sometimes wonder why Preston and I decided to have three kids. "Anyways, today we're going to be attempting to make cookies. This is either going to end badly or really badly. Let's head to the kitchen." Immediately, Ashton and Carter follow me. I set Alanna in her high chair as Carter and Ashton stand on small stools, eyeing the baking mix. Ashton sets the camera down on the island. "So, I'll be instructing these two-" I put my hands on their shoulders "-and we'll see how it goes. Ashton, you can open the mix."

My eldest child immediately grabs the box and rips it open, the bag inside flying five feet away. I facepalm, yet Ashton quickly picks it up and returns to us. "Oops." She giggles.

"Mommy, wha I do?" My only son asks. I smile, ruffling his hair.

"You can try opening it."

"Yay!" He squeaks, grabbing the package with his small hands and trying to open it sideways. I smile, eyes softening at my handsome little boy, who looks almost identical to me. He has brown hair and hazel eyes, my nose, smile, cheekbones, and skinniness. And yes, I feed him; lots of food, in fact. "Argarg!"

I giggle, eventually taking the bag away from him. He pouts, but I return it to him with a slight rip in the package. He rips it a bit more, smiling. Yep, definitely has my stubborn attitude. "Alright, now pour it in the bowl." Carter does as told, making a small mess while doing so.

"Mommy, can I put in the eggs?" Ashton asks, her dirty blonde hair and brown eyes shinning brightly.

"Of course, sweetie." I respond, handing her a small bowl and three eggs. She bites her lip, concentrating as she cracks an egg and the contents spill into the bowl. She discards the egg shell and repeats the process two more times. Looks like she has my concentration (and thankfully not my husbands') and my cooking skills (also, thankfully not my husbands').

"All done!" She says, pouring it into the bowl with the mix in it.

"Hey! I wanted to do that!" Carter screams, stomping his foot on the stool.

I immediately intervene. "Carter, honey, you can stir the mix!"

He smiles, sticking his tongue out at Ashton and grabbing the large cooking spoon I hand him. My son sticks it in the batter and tries his very hardest to stir it, but to no avail.

"Sweetie, do you want any help?" I ask him, already knowing the answer, as he does have my stubborn personality.

"No!" He yells his favorite word. I sigh, waiting for him to give in. Five minutes later, he starts to cry. "Mommyyy... help me!" He begs. I wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes and kiss his forehead.

"Of course, honey." I respond, putting a hand on top of Carters', which is holding the spoon. With the other, I grab the bowl, and Carter and I mix the bowl together. "All done." I say, noticing the mix and eggs have blended together perfectly.

"Can we dye them now?" Ashton asks, and I nod, splitting the mix in two and putting it in two different bowls. Ashton grabs red food dye and puts three drops in the mix, stirring it. Carter grabs green and pours the whole bottle in. I facepalm, and my son mixes it into the mix. Once the pair are finished, I put both mixes on separate trays and flatten them, knowing it is difficult to flatten. Ashton grabs a star cookie cutter template and starts to cut into the mix. I focus most of my attention on Carter, who grabs a train cookie cutter template and puts it into the mix. He does it a couple more times, not getting all the way through the dough.

"Here, Carter. I'll help." I say.

"No." He says, handing me the cookie cutter. I raise a brow at him, yet help him nonetheless. He puts the cookies on the tray.

"Ooh! Let's mix our dough together!" Ashton tells Carter.

"But sissy, it's not Christmas." He replies, confused. I giggle, watching the exchange. Immediately, the duo looks at each other, smiling. I start to slowly back away, knowing what's coming. Carter sticks his hand in his leftover dough, as does Ashton. They both step down from her stools and chase me around the kitchen. did you split up, and now I am cornered by them both. "Eek!" I squeal as they both put dough on my face, giggling.

"Mommy looks funny." Carter giggles.

"Yeah, she does." Ashton agrees, also giggling. I pout, and the pair poke my cheeks, Carter having to stand on the stool on his tiptoes. I forgot to mention that he has his fathers' height. He is somewhat tall for his age.

"I'll put the cookies in the oven, you two clean up." I tell them, and they nod, racing to the bathroom. I put the trays in the oven and wash my face with a towel by the kitchen sink.

"Mommy!" Carter yells, running to me. He jumps up and wraps his arms and legs around my stomach.

"Carter, what're you doing?" I ask him.

"Ashton said the floor is lava." My eyes widen and I immediately pounce on the island, Carter giggling.

I turn to face my camera. "We'll see you guys in a second."

I start recording once the cookies are cooked and cooled, and Carter and Ashton immediately grab a cookie and devour it. I grab one and eat it. "Ashton, I think there's an eggshell in this." She frowns and Carter spits out his cookie.

"Ewww." Carter says.

I giggle. "Kidding, kidding." Ashton jumps on me, wrapping both arms around my neck.

"Meanie!" She says.

"I love you too." I reply, squeezing her. "And I think it's time to end the video."

"See you later guys."

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