Chapter 8

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I've found it. Our new home. The problem is, I can't afford it right now, as I have gone to the bank and separated Preston and my's bank account. Thankfully, I have a friend who is willing to let us stay with him, and all of my children have passports. I tell Caroline and Holden the plan that evening, when all the children are asleep.

"So... you're moving to Canada?" Holden repeats, and I nod.

"You're... you're serious about this?" Caroline asks, although she already knows the answer. When I set my mind to something, I do it, especially if it is the best for me or others; in this case, for my children. I think that this friend will be a good father-figure for all of them, since their actual father is a motherf***ing a**hole. Oops. Sorry.

Holden puts an arm on Caroline's shoulder as the pair look at each other for a brief second, their eyes having their own silent conversation. Finally, Holden speaks.

"We're always going to support you, no matter what. Even if it means we're far away from each other, you'll always be in our hearts. You and your children are a part of our family."

I start to tear up, but quickly wipe the tears from my face. "Thanks, guys!" I hug them both.

"So, when do you leave?" Caroline asks.

"Three days. That'll definitely be enough time to sell the car and gather our things." I respond, and the couple nod. I smile and excuse myself, going to bed.
I walk into my house, or rather, Preston's now, and pack all of our things in two small suitcases and one big one, thankfully without conflict. That evening, I book tickets for exactly three days from now and email the kids' principal, telling him that we're not going to be attending there anymore.

I'm... excited for change.
Three days have passed, and three suitcases are loaded into the back of Caroline's car. We all pile in and Holden drives us to the airport, while I do my best to explain to the kids about what is going on.

"So... we're moving? What about daddy?" Carter asks, Ashton silent, Alanna clutching me tightly, as if she understands exactly what I'm saying.

"Daddy is going to stay here, in Texas." I reply.

"Will we ever see him again?"

"Hopefully not. He's done some terrible things, which is why we're moving." I respond, careful, or as careful as I can be, with my words. Ashton gets it instantly. Despite being young, she is highly intelligent. Obviously, she got my genes.

"But... then why isn't he coming to say goodbye?" My son asks.

"Because, he's busy. Don't worry about it, honey." I say. My children pout and turn back to their books. Like me, they are enchanted by reading.

We soon arrive at the airport, and we all say our goodbyes, me hugging Holden, Caroline, Max, and Grace tightly. We grab our luggage and walk into the airport.

Our flight calls to board in less than an hour, so we do so, getting seats right in the middle of the plane.

And, we start our adventure.
We land in Toronto five hours later, and I smile, immediately spotting my friend, who I previously texted.

"Rob!" I yell, waving at him. He immediately runs over to us and scoops me up into his arms.

"Cait, I missed you!" He says, still awkwardly hugging me. I chuckle as we separate.

"I missed you too."

My children's eyes widen as they realize who the man standing before us is. "Uncle Rob!" Carter and Ashton yell, hugging him, while Alanna reaches out for him. Rob laughs and hugs each and every one in turn, and then takes the big suitcase from me.

"Let's go!" He says, and Carter and Ashton nod, grabbing their suitcases and catching up with him, while I carry Alanna until we reach his car twenty minutes later.

As Rob sets the bags in the trunk, I speak. "Thanks, Rob. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Hey, no problem. Anything for you." He says, and I smile, hugging him once again before we get in the car and begin our new journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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