Chapter 3

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Beep, beep, BEEP!

I groan, grabbing my phone and turning off the alarm. I close my eyes for a few more minutes until I hear the familiar screaming voices of my children.

"ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!" Ashton yells, opening my bedroom door and coming to my side. "Mommy, wake up!"

"Just a few more minutes, Ash." I groan.

"But mommy!" Ashton complains.

I sigh, finally opening my eyes fully and allowing the sun's rays to cause me to become fully awake. "I'm up. Let's get you and Carter something to eat."

"Yay!" Carter says. I slowly stand up and stretch, then walk out of my bedroom and downstairs, where I immediately start making a coffee for myself and eggs and bacon for my kids.

Once they have finished eating and putting on their clothes for the day, I walk them to the bus stop and return afterwards. I decide to put on some tv and finish my coffee. My phone rings so I pick it up, the familiar voice of Caroline ringing through my ears.

"Hey, girlie! Are you busy this afternoon?" She asks.

"Nope. I just have Alanna with me." I respond, looking at my daughter, who is currently taking a nap.

"That's perfect! I have Grace with me. Do you want to meet up at Target?"

"Sure. I have to grab a few things." I respond, picking up Alanna and grabbing my keys and lanyard and heading out the door, not caring about my appearance because Caroline doesn't judge at all, one of the many reasons why I love her.

"Caitlin!! How are you, girlie?" She responds, waving over to me from the Starbucks in Target.

"Hey, Caroline!" I respond, holding my own coffee in one hand and daughter in the other, as does Caroline. "I'm great! Although pretty lonely because the kids are at school."

"Same here. With Jason in school and Holden at work, it's pretty quiet around the house." Caroline replies, standing up. We both start to walk around in the store, but I can tell  that today will be one of the days where we just talk and enjoy each other's company. "You should've seen what Grace did this morning it was the cutest."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. She said her first word!"

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal, remembering Carter and Ashton's first words. Ashton said 'orange' and Carter said 'mama.'

"She said 'love.'" Caroline says, smiling at her daughter.

"That's so adorable! I'm still waiting on Al to say her first word."

"She hasn't said it yet?"

"No. She just doesn't want to." I reply, holding Alanna tighter to my chest.

"Well, I'm sure she'll say something soon." Caroline assures.
Today was fun. I got to hang out with one of my best friends and we talked the whole time. It felt great. And now, reality sinks in and I have to be a mom again. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom, it's just the whining and yelling and screaming and fights that get to me... Ashton and Carter always get in fights after school because they get so cranky. I don't blame them; I was the same way. Thankfully, they only fight in the house, never, EVER, outside, otherwise Preston and I would have their heads.

The bus stops in front of the stop just down the road from our house. Alanna and Carter come rushing out and give me big hugs and Alanna kisses.

"Hey guys, how was your first day?" I ask as Carter grabs my free hand.

"It was okay. My teacher is kind of weird through." Ashton responds.

"My teacher's awesome! He has legos everywhere!!!" Carter says.

"Don't worry, Ash. You only have a year left of elementary before you go to middle school... And Carter, that's awesome! Does he let you play with the legos?"

"He said when we have indoor recess, we can play with them." Carter replies.

"That's so cool. Either of you get any work yet?" I ask.

"Just to have a pencil and eraser." Ash says, and Carter nods in agreement.

"Okay. Well, we have those at home. And speaking of home, here we are." I say, going over to the garage keypad. I put in the number and the garage opens. Carter runs to the door and immediately runs into the house, screaming 'dad!' at the top of his lungs as Ashton and I calmly head inside, me shutting the door behind us.

"Woah, woah, woah! How was your first day, kiddo?" Preston says, emerging from his office and scooping up Carter.

"It was awesome! Mr. Hamilton has legos in his room!"

I set Alanna down in her crib as Ashton heads over towards Preston and Carter to join the conversation.

Perfectly Imperfect [Book 2] ~ {A TBNRfrags Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now