Chapter 6

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I never really thought much of it. Of Preston. Sometimes I tell myself that I just didn't want to accept it, so I ignored it.

Caroline, Jess, Rob, and even Paige and Sara, reached out to me. Yes, even Paige and Sara. Even though I hardly know both, and we've all had a past with Preston, they reached out to me.

Anyways, each and every one of them told me and showed me texts, pictures, and conversations between the girl... Brianna, I believe her name was, and Preston. Each one made me more and more upset. However, I still held on to that one string of hope, that deep down, he still loves me. I mean, we had three kids together! We have a family! Is all this a lie?! Has the past five years of my life been fake?!

The more and more I repeat that Preston loves me in my head, the more I don't believe it.

It completely explains why Preston has been out so much.

Yes, Preston is cheating on me.

The day that I discovered it, I picked up Carter and Ashton from the bus stop by car, overnight bags in the trunk and Alanna strapped in the car seat in the back.

"Hello, my loves. Tonight, I thought it would be fun to have a sleepover at Auntie Caroline's house." I say, and both Carter and Ash smile, excited.

"Yay!" Carter says, and a forced smile makes its way to my lips as I drive off to Holden and Caroline's house.
Ashton watches the children as Caroline, Holden and I sit in the kitchen, a glass of wine in my hand.

"I just can't believe it. I don't understand him. I don't get why he would cheat on you, when you're his wife and mother of his children." Holden says.

I sigh deeply, taking a big sip of wine. "I don't know either. I have no clue what we're going to do now."

"I don't think it would be the best idea to return right away. You need some space to figure things out." Caroline says, and Holden nods in agreement.

"You can stay here as long as you need." Holden adds.

"Thank you, guys. You don't know how much that means." I respond, a weight lifted off my shoulders. I finish my glass, and decide to put the kids to bed, as I am starting to get tired. I say my good nights to Caroline and Holden, put the kids to bed, and fall asleep on the couch.

I didn't sleep good that night.
The sound of my phone ringing repeatedly wakes me, so I pick it up, only to see twenty missed calls and over thirty texts from none other than Preston.

Wow! He cares!

Note the sarcasm.

I turn my phone on airplane mode and fall back asleep, as it is only four in the morning. I wake much, much later, in a panic as it is way past the time that I was supposed to get Ashton and Carter ready for school and send them off.

"Cait, don't worry. I got them ready today. They're on their way to school now." Caroline says, entering the living room from the kitchen with her son in her arms.

"Seriously?! Thank you, so much." I say, relaxing.

"It's no big deal. Listen, I'll make you a coffee while you take care of Al, and then we can binge watch some Netflix. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great." I respond, heading into the spare bedroom, where Al lies in a crib. I scoop her up and walk back into the living room, where I grab some baby food from my overnight bag. Caroline hands me a spoon and sets my coffee on the table. I feed Alanna as Caroline puts on Riverdale, and enjoy the day in peace.

Caroline and I get Carter and Ashton from the bus stop, and return back to their house. "But why, mommy?" Carter asks as I tell him that we're staying once again.

I immediately stop, wondering how to respond to my son. Everybody stops as well, Alanna and Grace in strollers. I crouch down so I am eye-to-eye with my son. "Well, because daddy is on a business trip, and Auntie Caroline said it was okay to stay with her."

"Oh." Carter responds, looking down.

"Hey," I poke his head with two of my fingers, causing him to look up into my eyes. "I love you." Carter smiles, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you too, mommy."

I smile at him, although it is slightly forced, knowing that I lied to my son. But, it's for the best, right?
I went out that evening. Caroline forced me to go get a bite to eat and shop around a little bit, which is why I have started at Chipotle, easily one of my favorite places to eat. After getting my order, I sit down in a corner, eat, and check my phone, which has blown up from notifications from Preston. I know that I need to face him, but I don't want to right now. It is a tough decision, my hand suspended over the 'call' button, but I eventually just turn off my phone, deciding that tonight is just me.

It doesn't last that long.

In walks Preston, and I frown deeply, gathering my things and pushing past him. By the time he registers who I am, it's too late. I'm gone.

I walk around the shops and think. I hate thinking. It could be the end of me one day.

Alone with my thoughts. My terrible thoughts.

I hate them.

The 'thud' of footsteps alerts me, yet I do not have enough time to glance as the person spins me around and pulls me into a hug.

It's... not that warm...


It turns out...

It's my husband's arms that are wrapped around me.


I violently push him away. "Stay away from me."

"Cait, honey... is that really what you want? You'd push our kids away from me too?" He replies.

And that's when I realized...

I'm in an abusive relationship.

Hot liquid rolls down my cheeks as I yell, once again, "Get the f*ck away from me!"


"Don't call me that! Ever!" I yell, pushing him and running past him as he loses balance.

I can't... not again...

Never, EVER again.

Perfectly Imperfect [Book 2] ~ {A TBNRfrags Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now