Chapter 7

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I clutch the papers tightly to my chest, tears falling down my face as I think about what I am going to do.

"You need to do this fast so you won't have time to waste." Caroline says, gently placing her hand on my shoulder, as if I'm a glass vase ready to break.

Which, in a sense, is true.

"I just... I don't know. I can't sort out my feelings. Ever since this ordeal happened, my thoughts have jumbled again." I reply, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Do I need to email your doctor?" She asks, and I laugh.

"If you think that something as trivial as that is enough to get be back into depression, you're wrong." I respond, although... she's right. But she doesn't need to know. "Thanks, Mom." I add.

"Anytime, daughter. I love you with all my heart." We both giggle like young school girls.

Man... I wish I was young again... young enough to still be in an ignorant bliss... gone from reality, gone from all my problems, just a simple five-year old with a happy life.

I sigh, looking at the papers before glancing up at Caroline, and in that moment I made my decision.

"I'm going to bring these papers... but I want to hear what he has to say, no matter how harmful... so I know what I'm doing is right."

And with that, I head out the door and back... home.
My... husband is in his office, recording. I casually walk in and sit down, waiting for him to finish. Once he's done, he turns towards me.

"We need to talk."

"You just now figured that out?" I question, raising a brow.

"No... I knew it for a while... I just never wanted to face you... face your wrath."

"Then you never should have done it in the first place. I thought we were a team, but clearly I've been the one pulling the weight in this relationship." I respond, glaring at him, angry. Everything that I told Caroline, about listening to Preston, disappears in an instant. Why would I ever think that I could get through to him?

He sighs. "Cait, I'm-"

"Don't you dare say you're sorry, because I won't believe it this time, nor any other time. I don't know what motivated you to cheat on me, but I'm done. Sign these and I'll be on my way." I sternly respond, shoving the papers in his face. He grabs them and reads through it, eyes widening as he finishes.

"You... you want a divorce?" He innocently questions, and I internally roll my eyes. He's trying to get me to sucker up and say no.

"Yes. Like I said before, sign them."

"And what about the kids?" He asks.

"I don't want you near them at all." I respond.


"Preston, I'm letting you be happy, so please, just let me be happy. Let me have my children." I tell him, wanting my children with all my heart.

He doesn't respond, just signs the papers and hands them to me.

Something in my heart breaks, if it hasn't already been broken before.

"Thank you. I'll be back in a few days to collect my things." I say, grabbing the papers from him. As our fingers brush, a faint electrical pulse reaches my fingertips, and my heart beats a little bit faster. However, as much as I love this man, I need to move on. I can't let him do terrible things to me like dad, Dane, and Mat have done in the past.

I grab my purse and walk out of the office, getting in my car and returning to Caroline's. As soon as I get there, I set Alanna on my lap and go on my computer to start looking at places to live, the divorce papers set beside me.

Hours pass, and Caroline sets a mug full of coffee in front of me. I smile in gratitude, wrapping my hands around the warm mug and taking a sip of the delicious beverage.

"Thanks, Caroline."

"No problem, honey. I take it things didn't go so well?" She says, sitting beside me.

"It went better than I thought, in all honesty." I reply.

"That's good. What're you doing?" She asks, peeking over at my computer screen.

"I'm looking at apartments." I reply.


"I was looking in the area, but I'm not really set on it. I think I might move out of the state."

"Any ideas?" She asks.

"Well... I was kind of thinking about Canada or England, to be with Rob or the sidemen again." I reply.

"That's so far away!" Caroline complains, putting a hand to her cheek.

"Sorry?" I respond, causing Caroline to giggle.

"I'll support you, no matter what." She replies, and I smile gratefully at her.

"Thanks, Caroline."

Alanna grabs at my hair, and I smile down at her. "This little one is almost old enough to go to school. Man, you kids all grow up so fast!" I say, carefully setting my daughter on the ground. She stands up, with a little difficulty, and walks around the table.

"She'll be six in August, right?" Caroline asks.

"Yes. And Grace will be five in January?"

"Yeah. I can't believe that we're both mothers." Caroline sighs.

"I can't imagine a life without my children. I love them all so much." I reply, smiling fondly at my youngest.

"The world doesn't deserve someone as pure as you." Caroline says, and I blush.

"Thanks, Caroline." A few moments pass, and I decide to move on with my day. "I better get these papers in sooner rather than later." I sigh, standing up and stretching. I scoop up Al.

"You better be back before dinner. It's Taco Tuesday." Caroline says, and I laugh, smiling.

"I'll make sure that I'm back before then." And with that, I pick up my wallet, phone, keys, and the papers, and head out to my car, where I drive to the office.

I drop off the papers and immediately return to Caroline's. From there, we pick up my other two children and enjoy Caroline's homemade tacos.

Perfectly Imperfect [Book 2] ~ {A TBNRfrags Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now