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Isak was a 17-year-old boy who was a second year at Hartvig Nissen School. Some would describe him as shy, sincere, caring, pretty much that whole "boy next door stereotype. However, despite how most people think of him, Isak has never felt love, nor has he loved anyone in that matter. He had his own problems with not only himself, but with his family as well: his mom and dad have separated and divorced a couple years ago, his dad earned the "Worst Father of the Year" award and his mom is unpredictably bipolar. As far as living conditions go, Isak doesn't feel comfortable living with either, so on his 16th birthday, he moved in with Eskild and Linn.

Isak has never really loved anyone – heck, he doesn't even know who he loves. Does he love girls? Boys? Both? Isak has pretty much since convinced himself that he loves girls, so he started dating girls in his middle school year. But when he dated girls, he didn't feel the spark, the connection. I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm straight. Isak kept telling himself. He didn't want to think that he would ever love men. Not in a million years.

But who can he vent out his feelings to? His friends don't understand him, no one understands him. His traumatic childhood memories are always there, under his skin, in his brain and are constantly cracking his heart. He can't have any more pain. He wouldn't be able to bear it. He knows it perfectly well.

And that's why he can't love.

So when he has a conversation with Eskild about it, the problem suddenly got more awkward, but at the same time, it didn't because Eskild is the only person Isak can talk to about this without him having to bottle up his feelings. He can't talk to his friends Jonas, Mahdi, or Magnus about it without cracking a joke or two.

Isak sighed, "Eskild, I need advice"

"You want advice? From moi? Because I'm your guru that you look up to?" Isak feels Eskild get a little closer to him, which ensured Isak that he was comfortable.

"Uh, sure," Isak was starting to get uncomfortable again, "You know what, I'm fine".

Eskild wanted to push what Isak was about to ask him out of him, "C'mon Issa boy, let it all out. You can seriously trust me".

"Thanks Eskild, but I'm seriously fine. I can't talk to you yet"

Eskild gets closer to Isak, lifting his chin up with his two fingers, his blue eyes meeting Isak's green eyes. "Isak, I know when you're lying, and when you're not. You need to seriously tell me, or there's nothing I can do for you. Only you know what's best for you. But if you seriously change your mind, that's fine, I'm always here. Alright?"

Isak nodded, "Yeah, okay", and turned to walk back to his room.

Isak liked that he can treat Eskild like a parent figure, and he was up for a talk, but first, he needs to know for sure who he is. After all, it's an Isak problem. Even if it means doing things out of his comfort zone and doing things he never thought he would ever be doing.

If it means he'll learn to love, he'll do whatever he can to love and feel love.


Christoffer Schistad – or rather, Penetrator Chris – was legendary. He was a third year who attended the same school Isak did and is part of The Penetrators, which is probably more legendary than his name alone. He can get any girl to drop their knees for him.

Chris is as straight as a pencil. He's so straight that when Willam Magnusson, his best friend and also part of The Penetrators, interrogates about Chris's hookups out of he insists on bragging about how hot the girls were and perfect her breasts are.

"C'mon Chris, at least tell me her name," Willam begged.

"You think I remember?!"

"Ugh, what does she look like?"

"I don't know, she was a brunette?"

Usually, he doesn't remember much about the physical appearance of his hook-ups, and when he does, he gets too much into detail about it, to the point where if William has to hear one more description about her pair of double d's, his eardrums might burst.

No one knew about Chris being bi-curious, and he'd like that fact about him to be kept under wraps for a while. However, his plan to keep it a secret didn't exactly pan out when Willam found out about Chris's bi-curiosity – well, it was by accident. Chris was fucking some guy whose name he can't remember now, nor does he care to know since he was just another one of his hookups, when William called him. In a blissful moment of sexual stupidity, Chris moved his hand from the nameless boy's hip to his mouth and told him to shut the fuck up for a minute. Then he picked up the phone and gave a breathless Hello. William figured out he was having sex almost immediately and didn't believe him when Chris denied it. The next day when they were eating lunch at school William asked question after question.

Chris liked to fuck girls and the occasional guy, but just because he would fuck a guy, doesn't make him bisexual, or does it? I mean, it's not like Chris is actually interested in a serious relationship with a boy. And even if he was genuinely interested, it wouldn't be different than having a relationship with a girl. Chris knows how to get what he wants, and he can have someone in the snap of his fingers, wether it's a girl or boy. In reality, though, he isn't interested in a serious relationship with anyone at all.

Or so he thought, when all of that changed in one day, however, that all changed, and Chris started to test his own bi-curiosity.


hey guys. this is my first chapter of my fanfic on a different Skam ship that you all would never think of: chrisak.

im thinking about trying a new "format" with this book where there are two POVs. i know that's tacky but at the same time, Chris and Isak are actual polar opposites, so it would work fine. sometimes i might use the format, and sometimes i might just stick to one POV, which will probably be Isak's since he's had a whole season on himself and all and Chris is more of a reoccurring character than Isak is.

[update : i made up my mind. this pov format will only be used in the prologue of this book. all other chapters will be on Isak's point of view]

so yeah, i really hope you enjoy the book, even if you prefer evak (which everyone does).


- l

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