6 :: truancy

714 21 2

Mondag, 07:30
I really didn't want to see Chris after Saturday's incident, so I picked up the phone and dialed the school's number. I planned on calling in sick with the flu, which I really don't think they'll get suspicious since it's January, in fucking Norway.

A middle aged woman finally picks up. "Yes, who is this?" She can't know that it's me, or else she'll think I'm attempting truancy, so I decided to be a middle aged version of Eskild but use my actual Dad's name.

"This is Terje Valtersen, Isak's father. I just want to call in to tell you that Isak will not be attending school today. He has a terrible flu. Hopefully he will get better in the next few days."

"Oh, alright. Thank you Mr. Valtersen. I hope Isak feels better!" She seemed convinced. I pumped my fist in the air and mouth "yes".

"Thank you. Goodbye now" I ended the call. Maybe I'm such a good actor, or maybe she's just gullible. Doesn't matter, I don't have to worry about bumping into Chris or anyone in school for that matter.

I bet the whole Chris thing is the talk of the town now, and I would be surprised if it wasn't. Reflecting back, I realized that the kiss... wasn't actually as bad as I thought? It could've been a hell of a lot worse, but for some reason, my body was insatiable to the tingly feeling. Wow, i can't believe I'm saying this but: I actually liked kissing Chris Schistad.

My phone buzzed, and I see a message from Jonas.

Jonas Velazquez 🖕🏽

So you decided to skip school, eh?

not precisely

Wow, i can't believe you're that embarrassed

be in my fucking shoes jonas. you wouldn't exactly like it if people were calling you a 'f*g' after a dare in which it wasn't exactly your will to do

No Isak, I'd face up to it, because idgaf

And if you know you're not gay then why do you care?


And btw, no one is talking about you
You skipped school all for nothing lol

meh whatever
bye jonas

c u
I'll get your coursework to your house
Oh and don't ever pull that pussy stunt again

I have finally realized that not only did I skip school to avoid Chris Schistad, but I really needed the time to reflect on last nights events. Last nights events made me realize of the male society as a whole when it comes to physical displays of homosexuality: guys find it's hot when two girls kiss, but condemn it when it's two dudes. It's so fucked, but it's just true. If Chris and I were girls, everyone would've had a field day, but we're guys, so it was more of a shoving "oh man, they really did it" if anything. I guess according to some people two guys kissing diminishes masculinity.

I think Chris was into the kiss - I mean, he was the one who forward me in, not the other way around. Either that, or he just wanted to get it done and other with.

But it can't be. If I noticed, then why did I bother skipping school? It would've been a sealed dare - done, and then never again.

Oh wait.

I don't care about Chris' reaction. I care about the lot reaction.

My reflection is put to a halt when I hear pounding on my door. It's Eskild, checking on me. He was carrying a tray filled with plates of rye bread with cheese, jam, and butter, as well as fruit and waffles, in addition to juice.

"Oh." Eskild pauses, takes a long look at me, and sets the tray down. "Why aren't you resting? You're sick, yeah?"

"I... I don't feel like it." I don't know if Eskild is just trying to press me or if he's actually gulliable, but I just go with it.

Eskild comes near me and places the back of his hand on top of my forehand. "Isak, you motherfucker. You aren't sick."

"Gah, you got me."

"Why don't you wanna go to school - this isn't like you at a–"

"Listen, Eskild, it's a long story, alright? I'll tell you later. And you're not my parents. Don't worry about me, please." I think Eskild has at least of a hint as to why I didn't go to school. He saw the signs of last night when I came rushing home.

Eskild leaves the room, but before he does, he comes to say, "Okay, well Isak, you're probably gonna have to catch up with your coursework, so I'll text Jonas–"

"Don't worry about it. He already texted me." Dear god leave me alone. Please.

"Okay." He leaves the room. Good grief. I lay back on my bed and try to get some shuteye.


Mondag, 19: 19

Tap! tap! tap! Goes my window. I get off my bed to peer the window, only to see Jonas with my school work.

"Open." He mouths, and I do so. He climbs inside my room and stretches, soon finding himself sitting on the desk chair.

"Here's the coursework, Isak. Yknow, it was quite boring without you. We missed your daily Magnus roasts. It just felt really empty overall."

"You don't have to make me feel guilty for skipping, Jonas. And you know, it was just a last resort thing, I didn't actually find myself doing it."

"Right." He replied sarcastically, definitely not believing me at all. "You wanna talk?"

I'll eventually tell Jonas, but I can't now. The timing doesn't seem right. As long as he's the first to know, there's nothing to worry about.

"Eh, not really."

"So you're gonna tell me that you skipped school because of some dumb fucking dare that didn't even matter after five minutes? You're got to be kidding me, Isak." he let out a slight laugh, then continued speaking.

"You're such a pussy. Why do you care about what people think, especially people in our school? 3/4 of the people who went to that party don't even know what you look like, much less your name. The only people you knew were us and the girl squad, so just relax and–"

"I'm not being a pussy, Jonas. I just need time to think things through."

"What do you mean, think things through? There's nothing to think about. It was just a dumb dare at a stupid party. Like I said, you're acting like a girl. You're overthinking about such trivial things, and it's just a waste of time. Who cares?"

"I care, Jonas! I care!" I was serene right before that moment. At this point Jonas was pressing me too much and I had enough. He was only here to deliver coursework, nothing else. I just want him gone.

"Whatever. Well, here's your coursework. See you tomorrow, Isak, or whenever you quit being a pussy." Jonas opens the window and jumps out feet first.

I guess I'm going to school tomorrow. Seeing Chris Schistad among others.

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