5 :: paper

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this story's going to be on first person now, because i find it easier to write in first person especially in this kind of story. it will all be in Isak's POV unless stated otherwise.

After Vilde announced that we were gonna play spin the bottle, everyone crowded around in the center and sat on the couches in an attempt to make a circle. My friend group as well as a mix of people I didn't know were in the circle. Chris fucking Schistad was in the circle. In total, I can say there was like 15-20 people in the circle. I got really anxious, and I kept on thinking what the fuck was going to happen in the next couple minutes I'm here. Every waking minute turned into a growing angst of leaving the party and going home. I really did not want to be here, at all.

Vilde moves the drinks off the table and stands on the table to say, "Alright, so while we are playing spin the bottle, there's going to be a twist." Now I was more anxious than before. Knowing Vilde, it's probably going to be some freaky hocus pocus shit. Vilde holds a slip of paper and puts it right on her face, and smirks. The slip of paper was about the size of a typing pad on the iPhone. Getting impatient, I hurried, "Fy faen, Vilde, get on to it, fucking christ."

Vilde holds her hands up. "Okay, okay, Isak. I know you're yearning to hook up with someone but I'm not finished explaining yet!" Everyone quietly chuckled, even Jonas. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, so anyways, as you can see here, I am holding a piece of paper. This is our twist! So basically, everyone puts the paper near their lips and try to suck on it as long as they can, touching their lips. The first two people who drop - or should I say, blow - the slip of paper have to kiss," Vilde claps her hands in excitement and asks, "Sooooo, are we ready to play??" Okay, not gonna like, this sounds actually interesting.

Everyone is handed a slip of paper, and soon after, the game commenced. Hearing those sucking noise made me have a migraine, and every round I kept wishing that someone's mouth muscles weakened and they drop the slip of paper so I didn't have to hear that goddamn sucking noise. Soon after, the round ended, and I turned to see who the two unfortunate people were. Turns out it was Jonas and a girl whose name I didn't know. She was meh looking, and I guess Jonas thought the same thing because he gave her a peck, a fucking peck, on the lips.

"Fucking pussy," Magnus laughs, and soon everyone else started to join in, even me, who was ready to die at any given moment now. Man, I love Magnus. He always livens up the mood.

Jonas retaliated in embarrassment. "Fuck off." and shoved Magnus.

Round two started, and then it ended with Vilde and Magnus kissing. They actually made out, unlike Jonas who fucking pecked the girl. Poor her. I bet Magnus was over the fucking moon during that makeout session. After the session was over, I winked at Magnus and gave him a thumbs up.

Magnus came close to my shoulder, and whispered, "Magnus shoots and he scores."

I whisper back, "You did that on purpose," and gave Magnus a 'got you now' smirk. He put his finger near his lips and said "shhhh". We both laughed after that.

Round three was a quick one, and it ended with two people I didn't know kissing. It was a moderate one. Not a make out session but definitely not a peck like fucking Jonas pulled earlier either.

Round four soon started. Round fucking four.

We were 10 minutes into the game, and I was already too tired at this point. Those ten minutes felt like hours, I fucking swear. At this point, I didn't give two shits, and I soon dropped the slip of paper. I soon caught it with my hand because no way was I gonna put a dirty piece of paper near my mouth. No way.

I looked down at the dirty, wooden floor and after two minutes, Vilde finally called out, "ROUND OVER!" Everyone was ooo'ing and omg'ing, and there was me, confused as fuck.

Jonas slapped my shoulder. "Get it, Isak." and winked. I looked up to see who everyone was ooo'ing about, and I couldn't believe it...

It was Penetrator Chris, of all fucking people. He looked at me and started smirking like a madman. To be honest, I don't know why everyone was so intrigued and excited on the fact that two guys were gonna kiss. In my opinion, two guys kissing is not hot at all. Not one bit. As Julia Volkova once said, "It seems to me that lesbians look aesthetically much nicer than two men holding their hands or kissing." I was not gonna kiss Chris, especially since he looks oh so excited right now. I swear he'd fuck anyone with two legs. It doesn't matter what's in between them.

Yes, he's one of those guys.

"Vilde, new round."

"What?" Vilde wore a confused and "wtf" look on her face.

I said again but slower, "I said, new fucking round, Vilde." I gritted my teeth when I said "new fucking round" to show her I was fucking serious. That I was not going to kiss a guy.

"Isak, you're fucking kissing him. It's not like you guys have to hook up. Just have some fucking fun, okay??" Vilde looked somewhat pissed. I shouldn't have played this stupid game if I knew this was the direction it was going to.

You know what, fuck it. I'm gonna kiss him, and then I'm gonna go. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.

I walk towards Chris, wearing this 'i don't wanna do this' face. I swear, if he pulls some fucking shit I'm gonna kick box him.

Chris and I lean our faces towards each other. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to all be over. Shortly, our lips touched, and I didn't want to pull the Jonas peck and be a laughing stock, but I was considering it. Chris' tongue forcefully enters my mouth, and it was like he was trying to deliberately choke me. He was really into this.

I finally said fuck it, and gave everyone a show. I grab Chris' face, and we kissed for three seconds. We pull off of each other and I rub my lips and tongue on my hand. I soon grabbed my jacket and bolted right to the door, running out of that party quicker than Usain Bolt. I finally get home, and I close the door behind me.

Eskild finally sees me, and gives me a confused look. "Isak, it's only 10pm. Why are you back so early?" It was in this

I replied, slightly out of breath. "Eskild, you won't believe what the fuck happened at that party."

ayeee, im baaack! it's been a long time since i've been on here. six months, to be precise. i can't believe i completely left all of you dry for six whole months. it drives me crazy thinking about it.

anyways, im back, and better than ever. hopefully this chapter made up for the lost time. it's a lot longer if you haven't noticed :)

while we're at it, i'd just like to say, thank you for the 700+ reads??? like uhhh i don't deserve this. i definitely didn't think anyone was gonna read this and i've considered deleting it. this book had like, 100 views, not even. so that means it gained 600 views while i was gone. wow. idk how many votes i have on this book at the moment, but it's probably way more than what this book had before i left.

thank you all so much for the reads and votes. you're all great. 💛


p.s. if you didn't see from the beginning, im going to change pov's. this story used to be in third person limited, but now it's going to be in first person from isak's pov. i did this because its easier to write and it wouldn't be as boring. hopefully you all understand.

also, expect updates every other weekend, maybe. i don't hate a set update time but im busy with school so i figured this would make me more motivated to update haha. there's a lot more and i don't want to leave you all dry.

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