Chapter 25

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"No, you hold it like this." I adjusted Amy's grip and she swung again, cutting through the air with her sword. "Yeah. Now just keep practicing that and the block." She nodded determinedly, sweat streaking down her face. Across the deck, Nico was teaching Alexa how to hold the bow she had chosen, and fortunately the girls both seemed to have a talent with the weapons they'd chosen, Amy a hand-and-a-half sword and a long knife and Alexa a pair of throwing knives, a dagger and a bow. We were trying to teach them what we knew of both Roman and Greek fighting styles, a sort of fusion between them, but I wasn't sure if it would work out.

I felt something bump against my leg and saw Levi astride Dog, carrying both hedgehogs from before. The cat was nowhere to be seen. He gently put down the hedgehogs and I lifted him up, setting him onto the wooden deck. He hurried to the edge of the deck and I darted after him, looking over to see hippocampi arcing out of the water. Trying to pull him away, I tugged on his arm, but he slipped away and slid overboard.

I yelled, panicking and yelling to the hippocampi. Catch him! Don't let him die! The hippocampi neighed indignantly. We would never let the master drown while his servants do nothing! I blinked, confused, but a second later, the hippocampi surfaced and Levi sat astride the biggest, black hair matted with shimmering water droplets. Sighing in relief, I glanced back at the hippocampus that had spoken. What do you mean, the master? It just neighed dismissively, snorting steam into the chilly air.

The master. He who rules us all. Him who is lost yet found. The one all of us answer to, even above the call of the sea and the glory of the waves. I pulled Levi back onto the boat, drawing the water off him. He whined a bit, but quieted when Dog bumped his nose against him, as if to say that he was quite silly to have done that. He stroked Dog's neck, leaning against him. The hedgehogs, as if out of nowhere, rolled towards him and he scooped them up, hugging them and blinking. 

Nico laid a hand on my shoulder and I started, turning to him. He raised his eyebrows in a silent question, and I shook my head in reply. Kissing him quickly, I lifted Levi up, settling him back on Dog's back, before turning to Nico. "Let's go below deck, yeah?" He nodded, and I took his hand, pulling him down the short flight of stairs.

After telling him about Levi, I lay back in silence while he contemplated. "How about that. We've really chosen the best crew, eh?" I grinned, cupping his cheek and drawing him in. His lips were chapped and salty, but I didn't particularly care, because he was kissing back and I could feel him chuckling against my lips, and my tongue darted out, exploring the heat of his mouth, swallowing his slight gasp with a smirk.

Well, that could've developed into anything, except a muted snicker at the foot of the steps made us break apart, heads turning in unison to see Amy, giggling at us, and Alexa flushing a deep red, tugging on her hand violently. For the second time! "Uh, we just... we just wanted to know if you wanted to teach us any more fighting. We...uh, we'll go...?" Alexa stuttered, wrenching Amy's hand roughly, her cheeks a deeper shade of crimson than mine (which is saying something). I sprang up, pulling Nico, who was muttering something not so nice under his breath, up and towards the stairs. "No, no, we'll teach you more."

Out in the chill again, I took up a stance against Amy, who winced as she picked up her sword. "My fingers are sore. Can we take a break?" I smiled. "You had your chance." Lunging towards her, I watched as her eyes widened and she began to block frantically. I went pretty easy on her, but after I let up, she was still dripping with sweat, glaring at me. I grinned back.

The next few days passed mostly the same way, as we trained, until one morning, when I got woken by a yell. "Ah-HHH! PERCY, NICO!"

Hurrying down the stairs towards Amy and Alexa's hammocks, I saw Amy look up at me, a glowing red aura surrounding her body, like flickering flames. Her eyes closed, she seemed to be consumed by fire, translucent orange and red, licking at her frame. My eyes widened, and I turned to run and get water, when a peaceful voice stopped me. It was familiar, like a warm, rich voice- I spun, looking carefully at Amy. Her eyes had opened, and an iridescent gold film covered them entirely. Alexa, who had been the one to shout, glanced at me desperately, "What do we do!?" I shook my head, holding my hand up. "She's being claimed." Again, the soft voice resonated in my head.

Not so much claiming. Not this time. This is different. I blinked. "If you're not claiming her, then what are you doing!?"

Choosing her. Gripping Alexa's hand tightly, I stepped back, just as Amy moaned, collapsing. As the flames around her touched the deck, it blossomed outwards, spreading across the ship, turning it a rich brown streaked with gold and orange flames over the floor and walls. They flickered slightly, waving gently, and as I watched, the bronze brazier we kept in the middle of the floor below deck burst into flame, and a cross-legged girl, about 13, sat in the middle of the fire, a peaceful look on her face. "Hestia. What's this? I thought you were a virgin goddess." I turned as Nico stepped forward, eyes narrowed. The girl smiled, holding out her hands in a placating gesture. You are correct, Nico di Angelo. I am a virgin goddess. However, times are changing, and an evil has been released into the world the likes of which has not been seen since soon after the dawn of time. There is, in this time of darkness and despair, a need for a torch, a light to lead all the rest, to give hope and joy and comfort. These are my duties, but lately I cannot manage this from the flames anymore. Thus a representative is required and she has been chosen. 

The goddess smiled, and extended her hand towards Amy, who slowly drifted to her. Open your eyes, she who has been chosen. Her eyes blinked open, and she looked at Hestia, who touched her forehead gently before smiling again at us. Goodbye, Nico, Percy. Alexa... take good care of my daughter. She loves you more than life. I blinked and she faded, the brazier flame settling back to normal. Amy collapsed, Alexa catching her just in time.

Fortunately, she was fine after a day or two, but it didn't stop Alexa from fuming about Hestia, and I grinned as her complaints wafted up from below to where I stood at the prow of the boat.

A thin arm slipped around my waist, and I slung mine over his shoulder, exchanging an amused glance as Alexa grumbled loudly and Amy tried and failed to calm her.

Already this was starting to feel like home.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! About what happened, I just wanna say I'm not gonna write smut. That's it. :0/
Also, my exams are coming up, so there may or may not be an update next week. (Comments help!) :D
Welp, that's it! See you next/next next week!

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