Part 2~

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    Suddenly, Kiku feels a 'presence' behind him. He slowly turns his head, only to reveal that his wish had come true. Behind him, resting his arms on the back of Kiku's chair was a blonde haired, blue eyed dork, wearing the cutest smile Kiku had ever seen.
    "Hey Keeks!" Alfred yelled obnoxiously, drawing the eyes of almost everyone in the library. Kiku was blushing profusely, although Alfred didn't seem to notice.
    "Hello Alfred-San" Kiku mumbled quietly, lowkey trying to get Alfred to lower his tone. Alfred was nice and painfully cute, but he could be a bit loud. More than a bit.
    "So dude, I need you to come out to the football field. And you, like, need to wear a blindfold." Kiku looked up at Alfred, puzzled, but Alfred said nothing. He only looked back down at Kiku's big brown eyes expectantly, like a puppy begging for food.
    "Umm... Okay? But what for?" Kiku asked, tilting his head a bit to the side and arching his eyebrow.
    "Well, uhh, I can't tell you that." Alfred responded. It seemed out of sorts for him to act with such uncertainty, it made Kiku a little nervous. "Just come with me?" His ocean blue eyes pleaded. They were the one thing Kiku could never say no to.
    "Okay." Kiku said confidently, putting his faith into the 5'10" puppy dog standing just inches from him. Personal space was a huge issue for Kiku, but for some reason, Alfred was the only person in the whole world that he didn't mind being close to.
    "Cool!" Alfred bounced over to the front of Kiku's chair, softly grabbed his hands and pulled him up. It seemed to be as easy for Alfred to toss around Kiku as picking up a pillow. When he caught his balance, Kiku looked up to Alfred, an intimidating yet sheltering five inches taller than him. Kiku feels short around mostly everyone and there are only a few people in his grade he's taller than. His family is overall very short, but he's still the shortest boy, and his sister Mei is only a few inches in growth behind him.

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