Part 6~

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    Kiku waited a few excruciating seconds, when he heard Alfred's sweet voice yelling to him from across the field.
    "Okay Kiku! Take it off!" Kiku reached up to his eyes and ripped the blindfold off, taking a few strands of hair that were caught in the knot behind his head with it. The first thing Kiku saw was a line of guys, Alfred's football team, with a letter written with care in red paint across each of their bare chests. Kiku immediately dragged his eyes all the way to the left of the line, where he read 'W-I-L-L space, Y-O-U space, G-O space, T-O space, P-R-O-M space, W-I-T-H space, M-E and at the end, was Alfred, taking off his red jersey, and underneath, on his chest, was a question mark.

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