Part 3~

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    As if on cue, Kiku realizes how long he's been staring directly into Alfred's eyes, deep in thought. He looks down, his cheeks turning an alarming shade of red. As if nothing weird at all happened, Alfred reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a blue blindfold with red and white trim, Alfred's favorite colors. He smirks and nods his head to the side, telling Kiku to turn around without speaking. He does, although hesitantly, and gently holds the blindfold up while Alfred ties it behind his head.
    "Do I have to put the blindfold on now? Couldn't we wait until we're at least outside?" Kiku asks. He doesn't like not knowing where he's going, even if it is Alfred directing him. There was a long two flights of stairs and an enormous hallway before you could even get outside, then you had to walk behind the bleachers and around a bend to get to the field.
    "Nope!" Alfred responds quickly. Kiku doesn't even bother to argue, he knows Alfred probably made up some funny story about why he had to keep on the blindfold.
    Alfred set his hands on Kiku's shoulders and Kiku felt something he never had before. A sort-of warming, he would say, of his heart. Alfred gently ushered him forward and Kiku took a few hesitant steps toward the direction Alfred wanted him to go. Even only walking a foot or so forward, it was obvious this wasn't going to work.
    "Alfred-San, I can't do this." Kiku said with a thick Japanese accent. Kiku felt Alfred's hands lower from his shoulders as he contemplated what to do.
    "Umm...." Alfred wondered. Kiku could hear him walking around him and could imagine cute little Alfred with his hand over his mouth, a puzzled look on his face.
    "OH!" Alfred yelled excitedly, a bit closer to him than Kiku had expected. Not even a second later, he felt one of Alfred's arms behind his knees and another on his back. He knew immediately what Alfred was doing. In a matter of three seconds, Alfred scooped up Kiku in his arms and he sat, comfortable although annoyed, in Alfred's arms, cuddled up next to his chest. Kiku could envision everyone in the library staring at the buff star quarterback holding small Kiku bridal style and he could feel his face get warm.
    "I'm sure there's a better way-" but before Kiku could even get out one full sentence, Alfred started running. On instinct, Kiku wrapped his arms around Alfred's neck, pulled his feet in, wary of what they might catch on if he didn't, and nuzzled his face, with his eyes shut tight, into Alfred's chest.
    "Alfred" Kiku spoke, almost inaudible, for the sound was muffled by Alfred's red jersey, which oddly smelled of paint, and shaken up by his awkward running, "Could you please not run?"
    "But I'm excited!" Alfred yelled, his voice not broken at all from his rugged movements. Kiku continued to be thrown around in Alfred's arms, but this was only the beginning. They only just got to the stairs.

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