Jack POV:

I understand where marks coming from but It's so very hard to forgive him. He said 3 simple words that killed me inside. Like all that sadness and pain I was feeling before got stronger and the weights came crashing in on me. Mark said:
'I Hate You' Yep just that but you don't know how bad it felt to hear those words come from his mouth. To be honest I cried for like so long afterwards. I've never seen Mark so mad in my life. It was so long ago that I forgot what Mark and I were even fighting about but all I know is that I ran away crying. I appreciate that Mark tries to check up on me but he doesn't get my side of the story. Mark doesn't really understand how I feel.

A few hours pass and I see there are some comments on my video so I go and respond to some of them.

Flowerpower64: Jack are you alright you seem a little down. 

Jacksepticeye; Yeah I'm fine Im just going through some stuff :/

Dank anti: Hi Jack. Please remember we care about you. If you need to take a break then just take one. We'll understand. Love you Jack! <3

Jacksepticeye; Thanks dude! That's means a lot to have your support :3

Papyrus Senpai : Hi Sean... Love your vids!

Jacksepticeye; <3

After answering some comments I decide to go lay on my bed. I hear a ding go off from my phone. Mark texted me. I stare at the phone but I don't answer, Instead I black out. The whole world goes dark and then I'm outside sitting under a tree. Birds and squirrels walk around as My Blue hoodie drapes over me. I look around and see a large lake. By the lake there is a doc. I walk onto the doc and I look at the water underneath my feet. I stare at what is the sunrise. It's so beautiful. But then just before I know it the whole world turns black again and I'm back in my room. I look down and see my flamingo shorts on and no shirt. I look around and see my normal room. I then realize that... all of that was just a dream. a short an brief dream. 

I Hate You, I love You [Septiplier]Where stories live. Discover now