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I clutched Abby and Paola’s hands and we all took a deep breath. I looked over at Abby and smiled, “Are you ready for this?”

She nodded and squeezed my hand. Our legs were frozen but our hearts were racing and our palms were sweaty. Paola huffed and gave us a shove towards the 4 little stairs that led to the stage.

I lunged forward and Abby followed me; we traveled across the stage, and stood in front of a tiny little ‘X’.  We stood before 4 judges, Simon, Cheryl,  Louis and guest judge Rihanna. Simon gave a nod and a stare of distain. 

“What are your names, Loves?” Louis asked, he flashed a smile and waited for an answer. I opened my mouth to respond but I suppose I was taking too long, 

“I’m Abby Jones.” Abby held her hand to her chest and looked at me and pointed, signalling that it was my turn to talk. 

“I’m Mollie Doll.” My mouth lingered open for a couple seconds after I spoke, looking like a complete idiot. Rihanna cooed. 

“I like that name, is it your real name?” I laughed and shook my head with a bit of a huffy manner. 

“I get that a lot, actually. It’s my real name.” Simon motioned for us to start and as the music began to play, Jessie J’s Domino, the nervousness and doubt washed away for me and I could see on Abby’s face it did the same.  ”I’m feeling sexy and free!” I started off the song and made a finger point to the ceiling. Abby and I ended the audition with the last verse, “Take me down like I’m a domino!” We went through the whole song with no stops, just blank stares from the judges and a smile across Cheryl’s face. I took hold of Abby’s hand again and we stood still next to each other, waiting for the judge’s criticism and the crowd to simmer down. I bit my lip and a bead of sweat started to form above my brow. Louis looked over at Cheryl and Cheryl looked at Simon. Rihanna clapped her hands together and hummed. 

“Well! Great song for you two, great energy, great vibes and great audition, Cheryl?” She looked at Cheryl and smiled. 

“Right how I like the auditions, it was fun and it was energentic. Straight up my alley, bebs.”  

“I really liked it! You girls have something and you can tell that you have great chemistry I think people would really like you, your personalities really come out on the stage. It’s great. Yes yes yes for me, Simon.” 

“Um, I’m not going to lie, absolutely hate the song, no offense to Jessie J. Your vocals were scratchy and your voices were shaky, and those shoes are awful.” He pointed to Abby’s Creepers and she tucked them in to face each other shyly. 

“They’re nervous, Simon.” Louis said in our defense. “Give them a break.” Simon opened his mouth and spun in his chair to face Louis.

“Excuse me, let me finish.” He put his hand up to shush Louis and Louis threw his arms up and faced us again, leaving Rihanna laughing. “For some odd reason, I really liked the audition. Good job girls. Yes for me.” 

“Definitely a yes for me.” Said Rihanna, still giggling a little bit. Abby and I faced each other and whispered ‘Oh my God’s’ and I shuffled my feet and jumped back and forth on them. 

“Of course it’s a yes for me.” Cheryl said. Abby and I jumped together and I let out a muffled sceram behind my hand covering my mouth. I wiped a tear away from Abby’s cheek. 

“Thank you, thank you so so so much!” Said Abby and we ran off stage hand in hand and we were greeted by Paola. We all did a group hug and let out our cries. Dermot comforted us and started to interview us. 

“So congratulations girls, great job. What will you do now?” He asked. I looked at Abby and I shook my head. 

“Call my Mom!” We all laughed and he pat me on the back. 

“We’re looking forward to seeing you on the show.” We walked back into the hallway and out the doors into the warm air. I spread my arms and closed my eyes then looked back at Abby and Paola. 

“We did it!”

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