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I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes to see Paola stroll in with two bags of McDonald’s and a smile on her face. 

“Heeelloo!” She mused, she set the bag on the piano and stared at me, but then looked around curiously. “Where’s Abby?” 

I shrugged and opened the McDonald’s bag hastily, letting the warm aroma hit my face like a wave at the beach. I inhaled deeply and embraced the smell of my favorite food, mmm burgers. “Why are you so happy?” She squealed and put her face in her hands and rested her elbows on the piano. I stuffed a generous amount of the burger in my mouth and chewed quickly, and took another bite. 

“I have a date!” She bit her lip and stared up at the ceiling, I almost choked on my burger. “His name is Harry.. I have a date with Harry Styles!”

I groaned and she stopped for a moment and furrowed her brows.

“How did you not piss yourself? I know how you are when you’re around a hot guy. And famous people. And.. Just people in general.” We laughed and she shrugged.

I took my laptop and shoved it in my bag. “Can we get out of here? I know I’m not getting any work done without Abby and I don’t want to stay here, it’s depressing.”

“Yeah, let’s go look for her I guess. What happened?”

I shrugged and collected my things, standing up. We left and went up to our room in the hotel, luckily the studio was just in the hotel. Most of the contestants were staying in the same hotel or one close by. Our stuff was everywhere. I sighed, dodging clothes on the floor and stepping around shoes and shopping bags.

First, I checked our room. I called out into the door before I emerged, but she wasn’t in. I threw my bag on my bed and met Paola outside the door. 

“Not in there?” 

“Nope,” I sighed, walking down the hallway. “Tell me about this Harry.”

She bit her lip nervously at first, then started “Well, like I told you, I met him in the hallway. We started talking and…ended up planning a date.”

“That was quick.” I turned a corner, ducking through a doorway to ask if anyone had seen Abby, when I felt slipped and fell flat on my butt. 

“Ow!” I screamed and Abby emerged from behind the doorway, doubled over with laughter. Paola started cackling at me as well, and I slapped her after she had helped me up. 

I got my balance and then punched Abby in the arm. “What the hell was that?” 

“Revenge is a bitch, Mollie.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I knew I was forgiven. 

“Shut up,” I rubbed my backside again. 

We walked together back down the hallway and she squealed. 

“I can’t believe you’ve got a thing with a famous guy!” 

“Paola’s the one with the date tonight!” 

Abby’s eyes got wide as she said, “No way! Really? Not faaaair, why can’t a famous guy have a crush on me?” She whined before looking away thoughtfully. 

I sighed and felt guilty, maybe I wasn’t totally forgiven, after all. 

“Which one do you have a date with, Paola?” Abby asked. 

“Harry-wait, what do you mean, ‘which one’?” She narrowed her eyes. 

“Well, because the blonde-what’s his name?”

“Niall,” I answered.

“Right-Niall, has got a thing for Mollie.” She said, matter-of-factly. 

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