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I woke up and glanced at my alarm clock. It was nearly noon! I scrambled out of bed and rushed over to wake Abby up, only to find a note on her bed. 

“Mollie, let you sleep in, went out for some tea with Zayn, Catch you later for rehearsals. :)x -Abby”

I sighed. So much for my no boys, no distractions rule. 

I walked downstairs to grab a mango for breakfast, and I saw Niall in the kitchen. 

“What’s up, Mollie?” He was munching on some cereal and he smiled when he saw me. 

I shrugged. “Seen Abby or Zayn lately?” 

He glanced at the clock and shook his head. “Nope, not since about 10, said they were going out for tea. There’s something more going on if you ask me.”

I laughed, someone had confirmed my thoughts. Just then, Harry burst through the doorway, looking rather disheveled. 

“Everything alright, mate?” Niall asked as his head disappeared into the fridge. He came back out with the milk in his hand and he chugged the gallon, tossing the container into the trash before answering. 

“Dunno, tired I guess. Last night was wicked,” he nodded an acknowledgement at me before asking “do you think Paola will be around again today?” 

I rolled my eyes. “Most likely, she seemed eager to see you again.”

Harry smiled. “Excellent,” then he went back into the other room. 

Niall dumped his dishes in the sink and came over to me. I froze for a moment when he stopped in front of me. He leaned closer to my face and I braced myself for a kiss.

“You got some dry drool on your face.” I furrowed my brows and licked my hand, trying to get the dry drool off of my face. I’m nearly drowning in my embarrassment right now. He laughed at me and pat me on the back. 

“Gah! Why are you even here at the hotel?” I asked, I rubbed my hand on my pants and sat next to him on the couch as I looked around the lobby, nobody seemed to care that Niall was here. I looked behind me out of the window to see a couple paparazzi, though. 

“Eh. Louis and Liam are hanging out with Danielle and Eleanor, Zayn with Abby and Harry with Paola. I felt a trend going on, so I thought I’d hang with my pal, Mollie.” He smiled and pat me on the back. Again. 

Well, I guess we can go to the park or something it’d be nice to get some fresh air and since we’ve got some time off it’ll be cool.” We both stood up and before we walked outside, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

“We can’t go that way.” He pointed to the 4 paparazzi in the courtyard. I sighed and he trailed me off to a side entrance, where he opened the door of his car for me and I slid in, buckled my seat belt and silently waited for him to get in the car too.

“Do you mind if I plug in my iPod? I take it everywhere with me.” I laughed and he shrugged, he unplugged his iPod from the jack and I plugged mine in. Carry On  proceeded to play. “This is my absolute favorite song, as of this moment anyway.”

I leaned my head against the head rest and closed my eyes, humming along to the song. After he’d been driving for a couple minutes, I peeked open my eye to see Niall looking over at me. 

“Eyes on the road, Horan.” I smiled and fully opened my eyes, adjusting to the light. He tapped on the steering wheel and stared straight forward. 

“I like your taste in music.” I nodded.

“I’d like to think I have one good thing,” I laughed and the song changed to a more upbeat song. What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I cleared my throat, embarrassed and stumbled with my iPod to change the song, I clicked a couple times fast before Super Duper Man started to play. I unplugged my iPod as fast as I could. I swallowed hard, why why why why. 

“Let’s just not listen to music okay.” I leaned back in the seat and shoved my iPod in my hoodie, slowly facepalming myself as I rested my elbow on the door. 

“Why would you have that on your iPod? Super Duper Man!” He managed to get out  between laughs. He slapped his thigh and his face got super red.

“Let’s just forget about it, please don’t ask why.” He glanced at me and back at the road then back at me.

“Come on, you know that was funny. And it’s cute that you have One Direction on there.” I looked at Niall slowly for a couple seconds and I couldn’t hold it back. A smile crept on my face and I covered it.

“Shut up, Horan!” I laughed and he pulled up to a parking meter. 

“Here’s the park!”

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