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I squinted as a warm wave of someone’s breath blew into my face and I flicked my eyes open to see Abby’s over-excited face hovering over me. I jumped up and pushed her away, then watched her as she stumbled into the food machine and wrappers fell from my body and off of the lounge couch I was, apparently, napping on.

“Oof!” She let out a screech that echoed through out the hallway and she rubbed her rear. “Ooh, you got me bum!” I checked my wrist for the time, but I hadn’t worn a watch in ages, so I searched frantically for my phone. “Calm down, bum! We didn’t miss any rehearsal time, well not on your fault anyway. There are some beautiful angels down in the rehearsal room and I told them they could use it for another 20 minutes, since we’ve got it all day and it’s only 7:46 right now.” She pointed down the hallway and I remembered the boy I met, Niall. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, clutching my stomach. 

“Oi! I’m so hungry!” I sighed. Abby raised and eyebrow and picked up several wrappers that included chips, cookies and sweets.

“Yeah I bet you are, Mollie!” We laughed and I gathered up my stuff.  ”Anyways, I was thinking for boot camp that we could possibly go with a slow song, maybe even a Leona Lewis song?” I stopped and shook my head in panic.

“Nooo, Abby! She’s a legend I can’t hit those high notes and I can’t bring myself to butcher her songs.” She tugged on my arm and started to beg, I finally gave in after 4 minutes of her pathetic groveling. “We’re really going to have to work hard on this, Abby. No fooling around, no boys, no games, no fun, it’s all work work work. And no boys!” I pointed my finger to her and it came about an inch from her nose. Abby was notorious for having boyfriends, and I knew that she couldn’t help herself. She’s gorgeous and I’ve never seen one bad guy she’s been ‘involved’ with. I heard footsteps from down the hallway and I looked up to see 5 beyond gorgeous boys. I remembered their names from.. Well everywhere. Among them, I saw Niall. I looked down at the floor, hoping he wouldn’t notice me.

“Hey Mollie!” Niall smiled and raised his hand, signaling a cute wave and I mimicked him. I quickly crossed my arms and tucked some hair behind my ear. “Thanks for letting us use the rehearsal room, s’all yours!” He pat my back softly and the feeling of his hand lingered on my back for a moment and my heart raced. Abby gave me a look confusion and excitement, I knew full well what was coming, and as they rounded the corner, it came. Full blast.

She jumped on me and around me and slapped me. “You met him? Him? He knows your name! He knows your name! Mollie he is absolutely gorgeous! Do you know who that is?” She nodded and grinned, her smile reaching ear to ear. 

“What are you on about, Abby!?” I pushed passed her and walked down the hallway, I adjusted my back over my shoulder and I reached the door and stopped abruptly. “Can we just rehearse?” I walked into the room and sat down on the piano bench. “I think we should do Bleeding Love, it’s my favorite song.” I pulled my long reddish brown hair into a messy braid and cracked my neck, sounds gross, but it put me at ease and helped me relax. Abby cringed and scooted next to me on the bench, pushing me to the edge. 

“Love the song choice. Let’s do some vocal exercises.” She started to make whale noises, as we called them and I couldn’t resist a laugh. I shook my head and joined her and when we were done, I took out my laptop from my bag and set it on the piano. 

“I need to listen to the song one more time.” I signed into my account and opened up Chrome and I accidentally let out a large burp. I laughed and tolled my eyes. I  searched in ‘Bleeding Love’. We listened to the song about 3 times, once with words and twice instrumental, I stroked the keys slowly, closing my eyes and humming until I got on course. I nodded my head and started to sing,

Closed off from love 

I didn’t need the pain 

Once or twice was enough 

And it was all in vain 

Time starts to pass 

Before you know it you’re frozen

We were interrupted by someone opening the door, our heads shot up in unison to see one of the boys we passed in the hallway, Zayn. He was tall dark and handsom, the cliche guy every girl dreams about. His quiff looked like it could reach the clouds if it wanted to. The kind of hair you want to run your fingers through..  he was wearing a pair of white Doc Martens, denim jeans and a denim jacket with a jacket under it. He stopped and stared, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head forward, urging him to say something.

“I, uh. I forgot something.” He stuttered and hurried fast across the room, Abby and I not taking our sight off of him, he picked up a back pack. He looked up and noticed Abby and I staring at him. He looked at Abby and smiled, then his eyes shot down to the floor. He scratched the back of his head and sulked out of the door. 

“Where were we?” I only got out one note when Abby pushed me and I flew off of the bench. “Ow! What the hell, Abby? Are you insane?” I stood and brushed my bottom for any residue from the floor.

“Did you see that? That smile?” I rolled my eyes and let out a long sigh. Not again..

“No, Abby? What happened?”

“He smiled at me! At me! He smiled he smiled he smiled! Zayn Malik!” She jumped and clapped her hands. “Sorry, I’m giddy.” 

“He probably thinks you’re funny looking.” I retorted, I started to laugh at my own joke, a little snort escaped. I covered my mouth and Abby rolled her eyes. 

“I think we’d make a cute couple.” 

“Um, Abby. I hate to burst your bubble but, I think you seem to have forgotten a little rule.” I tapped my foot furiously. “No boys!” I yelled, she looked disappointed and shocked at me raising my voice. “We’re in it to win it, Abby. No distractions. And not to proceed into bursting your bubble any further, but he was probably just being friendly, or you made him nervous with your constant staring.” I flipped my hair and sat down quietly. “Now then,” I cracked my neck and my fingers and I barely grazed the keys before Abby stormed off. I let out a grown and dropped my head on the keys. I hope I didn’t hurt her feelings too bad, I didn’t mean for it to sound so rude.

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